I just read the review Baruah. Can't wait to see it. Any idea how I 
can get in touch with Kak? I
obtained his video on Arunachal years ago, after you wrote about it 
in assamnet.


At 4:44 PM -0400 10/5/07, Sanjib Baruah wrote:
>There is a provocative new documentary film on Kashmir. The following
>review in Outlook magazine may be of interest to Assamnet.
>October 12 2007.
>Azadi: Theirs And Ours
>By the logic of the Indian state, India is free and Kashmir is a part of
>India, ergo, Kashmir too, must be free. But Sanjay Kaks documentary
>provides visual attestation for something diametrically opposed to this
>logic: the reality of occupation.
>Sanjay Kaks new documentary Jashn-e-Azadi ("How we celebrate freedom") is
>aimed primarily at an Indian audience. This two-part film, 138 min long,
>explores what Kak calls the "sentiment", namely "azadi" (literally
>"freedom") driving the conflict in the India controlled part of Kashmir
>for the past 18 years. This sentiment is inchoate: it does not have a
>unified movement, a symbol, a flag, a map, a slogan, a leader or any one
>party associated with it. Sometimes it means full territorial
>independence, and sometimes it means other things. Yet it is real, with a
>reality that neither outright repression nor fitful persuasion from India
>has managed to dissipate for almost two decades. Howsoever unclear its
>political shape, Kashmiris know the emotional charge of azadi, its ability
>to keep alive in every Kashmiri heart a sense of struggle, of dissent, of
>hope. It is for Indians who do not know about this sentiment, or do not
>know how to react to it, that Kak has made his difficult, powerful film.
>And it is with Indian audiences that Kak has already had, and is likely to
>continue having, the most heated debate.
>Between 1989 and 2007, nearly 100,000 people--soldiers and civilians,
>armed militants and unarmed citizens, Kashmiris and non-Kashmiris--lost
>their lives to the violence in Kashmir. 700,000 Indian military and
>paramilitary troops are stationed there, the largest such armed presence
>in what is supposedly peace time, anywhere in the world. Both residents of
>and visitors to Kashmir in recent years already know what Kaks film brings
>home to the viewer: how thoroughly militarized the Valley is,
>criss-crossed by barbed wire, littered with bunkers and sand-bags, dotted
>with men in uniform carrying guns, its roads bearing an unending stream of
>armoured vehicles up and down a landscape that used to be called, echoing
>the words of the Mughal Emperor Jehangir, Paradise on earth. Other places
>so mangled by a security apparatus as to make it impossible for life to
>proceed normally immediately come to mind: occupied Palestine, occupied
>Locals, especially young men, must produce identification at all the
>check-posts that punctuate the land, or during sudden and frequent
>operations described by the dreaded words "crackdown" and "cordon and
>search". Kaks camera shows us that even the most ordinary attempt to cross
>the city of Srinagar, or travel from one village to another is fraught
>with these security checks, as though the entire Valley were a gigantic
>airport terminal and every man were a threat to every other. As soldiers
>insultingly frisk folks for walking about in their own places, the
>expressions in their eyes--anger, fear, resignation, frustration,
>irritation, or just plain embarrassment--say it all. In one scene men are
>lined up, and some of them get their clothes pulled and their faces
>slapped while they are being searched. Somewhere beneath all these daily
>humiliations burns the unnamed sentiment: azadi.
>One reason that there is no Indian tolerance for this word in the context
>of Kashmir is that the desire for "freedom" immediately implies that its
>opposite is the case: Kashmir is not free. By the logic of the Indian
>state, India is free and Kashmir is a part of India, ergo, Kashmir too,
>must be free. But Kaks images provide visual attestation for something
>diametrically opposed to this logic: the reality of occupation. Kashmir is
>occupied by Indian troops, somewhat like Palestine is by Israeli troops,
>and Iraq is by American and coalition troops. But wait, objects the Indian
>Palestinians are Muslims and Israelis are Jews; Iraqis are Iraqis and
>Americans are Americans--how are their dynamics comparable to the
>situation in Kashmir? Indians and Kashmiris are all Indian; Muslims and
>non-Muslims in Kashmir (or anywhere in India) are all Indian. Neither the
>criterion of nationality nor the criterion of religion is applicable to
>explain what it is that puts Indian troops and Kashmiri citizens on either
>side of a line of hostility. How can we speak of an "occupation" when
>there are no enemies, no foreigners and no outsiders in the picture at
>all? And if occupation makes no sense, then how can azadi make any sense?
>Kak explained to an audience at a recent screening of his film in Boston
>(23/09) that he could only begin to approach the subject of his film,
>azadi, after he had made it past three barriers to understanding that
>stand in the way of an Indian mind trying to grasp what is going on in
>Kashmir. The first of these is secularism. Since India is a secular
>country, most Indians do not even begin to see how unrest in any part of
>the country could be explained using religion--that too what is, in the
>larger picture, a minority religion--as a valid ground for the political
>self-definition and self-determination of a community. The Valley of
>Kashmir is 95% Muslim. Does this mean that Kashmiris get to have their own
>nation? For most Indians, the answer is simply: No. Kashmiri Muslims are
>no more entitled to a separate nation than were the Sikhs who supported
>the idea of Khalistan in the 1980s. Such claims replay, for Indians, the
>worst memories of Partition in 1947, and bring back the ghost of Jinnahs
>two-nation theory to haunt Indias secular polity and to threaten it from
>The second barrier to understanding, related to the struggle over
>secularism, is the flight of the Pandits, Kashmirs erstwhile 4% Hindu
>minority community, following violent incidents in 1990. 160,000 Pandits
>fled the Valley in that years exodus, leaving behind homes, lands and jobs
>they have yet to recover. Today the Pandits live, if not in Indian and
>foreign cities, then in refugee settlements that have become
>semi-permanent, most notably in Jammu and Delhi. For Indians, even if they
>do little or nothing to rehabilitate Pandits into the Indian mainstream,
>the persecution of the Pandits at the hands of their fellow-Kashmiris,
>following the fault-lines of religious difference and the
>minority-majority divide, is a deeply alienating feature of Kashmirs
>conflict. Kashmirs Muslim leadership has consistently expressed regret for
>what happened to the Pandits in the first phase of the struggle for azadi,
>but it has not, on the other hand, made any serious effort to bring back
>the exiled Hindus either. In failing to ensure the safety of the Pandits,
>Kashmir has lost a vital connection with the Indian state--and,
>potentially, a source of legitimacy for its claim to an exceptional status
>as a sovereign entity.
>The third major obstruction to India taking a sympathetic view of Kashmir
>is the problem of trans-national jihad. Throughout the 1990s, Kashmirs
>indigenous movements for azadi have received varying degrees of support,
>in the form of funds, arms, fighting men, and ideological solidarity, not
>only from the government of Pakistan, but also from Islamist forces all
>across Central Asia and the Middle East. The reality of Pakistani support,
>and the presence of foreign fighters, from an Indian perspective, damages
>the claim for azadi beyond repair.
>Kashmiri exceptionalism in fact has an old history.
>Yet even if we do not want to go as far back as pre-modern and colonial
>times, then at the very least right from 1947, Kashmir has never really
>broken away completely like the parts of British India that became
>Pakistan, nor has it assimilated properly, like the other elements that
>formed the Indian republic. The status of Kashmir has always been
>uncertain, in free India. But with the involvement of pan-Asian or global
>Islamist players, starting with Pakistan but by no means limited to it,
>the past gives way to the present.
>India no longer deals with Kashmir as though it were still the place that
>was ruled by a Hindu king until 1947 and never fully came on board the
>Indian nation in the subsequent 50 years. It now looks upon Kashmir as the
>Indian end of the burning swath of Islamist insurgency that engulfs most
>of the region. In quelling azadi the Indian state sees itself as engaged
>in putting out the much larger fires of jihad that have breached the walls
>of the nation and entered into its most inflammable--because
>Secularism, the Pandits and jihad are all very real impediments to India
>actually being able to see what is equally real, namely, the Kashmiri
>longing for azadi. Kak explained to his viewers that to be able to portray
>azadi from the inside, he had to get through and past these barriers, to
>the place where Kashmiris inhabit their peculiar and tragic combination of
>resistance and vulnerability, their dream of a separate identity and their
>confrontation with an overwhelmingly powerful adversary. Their misery is
>palpable but they have yet to find a politics adequate to transform
>dissatisradise. Here the sadhus in saffron robes arrive, on their way to
>the holy shrine at Amarnath, on their annual pilgrimage, invoking, in the
>same breath, the Hindu god Shiva and the Indian flag, the "tiranga"
>("tri-colour"). You cannot take away what is ours, say these people. Ah,
>but you cannot keep what was never yours, either. India for Indians;
>Kashmir for Kashmiris: this is the fugitive logic that the filmmaker is
>seeking to make explicit.
>Kak has set himself a nearly impossible task. He must take Indians with
>him, on his difficult journey, past their prejudices, past their
>suspicions, past their very real fears, into the nightmarish world of
>Kashmiri citizens, torn apart between the militants and the military,
>stuck with the after-effects of bombings, mine-blasts, crackdowns,
>arrests, encounter killings and disappearances that have gone on for
>nearly two decades without pause.
>I became interested in Kashmir at the same time, for the same reason, that
>Kak began his investigations: the trial of S.A.R. Geelani, accused and
>later acquitted in the December 13, 2001 Parliament Attack case. In 2005 I
>wrote a couple of articles about Geelani, a Kashmiri professor of Arabic
>and Persian Literature at Delhi University, for this and other Indian
>publications. These earned me denouncements as anti-national, self-hating,
>anti-Hindu, pro- Pakistani, crypto-Muslim, etc. One letter to the editor
>even called me a terrorist! Kak has already had a taste of this reaction
>since the release of Jashn-e-Azadi in March, and must expect more of it to
>be coming his way in the next few months, as his film is shown widely in
>India and abroad. In fact, he is sure to get more flak that I ever got,
>given he is a Kashmiri Pandit.
>Aggressively Hindu nationalist, right-wing Pandit groups find Kaks empathy
>for Kashmiri Muslim positions infuriating, a "betrayal" that enrages them
>much more than that of a merely (apparently)
>Hindu--non-Pandit--sympathizer like myself. But like Israeli refuseniks,
>there is reason to believe that now India too has its own nay-sayers, who
>cannot condone the presence of the Indian armed forces in Kashmir or the
>continued refusal of the Indian state to engage with Kashmiris on the
>question of azadi. Kak himself makes the comparison to Palestine by
>calling the azadi movement of the early 90s "Kashmirs Intifada".
>What allows someone like me--born, raised and educated in India, secular,
>committed to the longevity and flourishing of the Indian nation in every
>sense--to get, as it were, the meaning, the reality, and the validity, of
>Kashmirs agonized search for azadi? Why do I not want my army to take or
>keep Kashmir by force, or my fellow-citizens to enjoy their annual
>vacations as unthinking, insensitive tourists, winter or summer? Why do
>abandoned Pandit homesteads affect me as much as charred Muslim houses,
>and why do I think that neither will be rebuilt and re-inhabited, nor will
>they be full of life as they once were, unless first and foremost, the
>military bunkers are taken down?
>The answer comes from my own history, the history of India.
>If ever there was a people who ought to know what azadi is, and to value
>it, it is Indians. 60 years ago India attained its own azadi, long sought,
>hard fought, and bought at the price of a terrible, irreparable Partition.
>My parents were born in pre-Independence India, and to them and those of
>their generation, it is possible to recall a time before azadi.
>Kaks film incorporates video footage from the early 1990s, taken from
>sources he either cannot or will not reveal. In those images of Kashmiris
>protesting en masse on the streets of Srinagar, funeral processions of
>popular leaders, women lamenting the dead as martyrs in the path of azadi,
>terrorist training camps, the statements of torture victims about to
>breathe their last and BSF operations ending in the surrender of
>militants, the seething passions of nationalism come right at you from the
>screen, leaping from their context in Kashmir and connecting back to the
>mass movements of Indias long struggle against British colonialism, from
>1857 to 1947. No Indian viewer, in those moments of collective and
>euphoric protest against oppression, could fail to be moved, or to be
>reminded of how it was that we came to have something close to every
>Indian heart: our political freedom, our status as an independent nation,
>in charge of our own destiny. The irony is that azadi is not something we
>do not and cannot ever  understand, but that it is something we know all
>about, intimately, from  our own history. What frightens us is not the
>alien nature of the  sentiment in every Kashmiri breast: what frightens is
>its familiarity, its  echo of our own desire for nationhood that found its
>voice, albeit after great bloodshed, six decades ago.
>The British and French invented modern democracy at home, but colonized
>the rest of the world. The Jews suffered the Holocaust, but Israel
>brutalizes Palestine. India blazed the way for the decolonization of
>dozens of Asian and African countries, and established itself as the
>worlds largest democracy, yet it turns away from Kashmir and its quest for
>freedom, and worse, goes all out to crush the will of the Kashmiri people.
>Indians with a conscience--and perhaps Kaks film will help sensitize and
>educate many more, especially the young--ought not stand for this
>desecration of the very ground upon which our nationality rests. After
>all, we learnt two words together--"azadi" and "swaraj", freedom and
>self-rule--and on these foundations was our nation built.
>We are a people who barely two generations ago not only fought for our own
>freedom--our leaders, Gandhi, Nehru, Ambedkar, and so many others, taught
>the whole of the colonized world how to speak the language of self-respect
>and sovereignty. We of all people should strive for a time when it will
>become possible for a Kashmiri to offer a visitor a cup of tea without
>rancour or irony, as a simple uncomplicated expression of the hospitality
>that comes naturally to those who belong to this culture. We should join
>the Kashmiris in their search for a city animated by commerce and
>conversation, not haunted by the ghosts of the dead and the fled. We
>should support them, whether they be Muslims or Hindus, in turning their
>grief, so visible in Kaks courageous work of witnessing, into a genuine
>"jashn", a celebration, of a freedom that has been too long in the coming.
>Anything less would make us lesser Indians.
>Ananya Vajpeyi is a Fellow at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New
>Delhi (2005-2008)
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