Thanks for enlightening us yet another amazing Texan trait , Ram.

I know weird is everywhere. But this certainly  stands out :-)

At 11:33 AM -0600 3/5/08, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
>Very few people in Texas have voted in the primaries and much less in the
>Democratic primaries.
>And boy, was it an experience.
>For those who are not familiar with the process, Texas has, what they call,
>a "two-step' process for the Democrats. The Republican, don't go thru that
>process in the Primaries - its the regular 'vote your candidate' process.
>The first part is to vote for the particular Democratic Party candidate ,
>and a certain number of 'committed delegates' are given proportionally to
>the the candidates.
>The second part is what is called the "Caucus". Now, this is easier said
>than explained. But basically, from what I understand:
>After the last person in line (at 7 PM) has voted, the Caucus begin. In the
>Caucus, people are supposed to 'influence and cajole' voters who don't
>support your candidate, form a goup and elect delegates to the State/Central
>convention who will, in turn represent your candidate and cast their ballots
>in his/favor.
>Confused? Well, so am I, and everyone I know is too.
>What really happened: from start to finish - it took about 5 hours. There
>were just 6 machines, 3 people to register, and a bunch of other volunteers
>giving you wrong information from time to time.
>But we did get to vote, and then stood in line for caucusing (if thats a
>word). After an eternity, they basically told us to separate into lines (one
>for Hillary and the other for Obama). The Hillary line had only a few
>people, the Obama line was long in the precinct we voted. In the Caucusing
>part, we had to write our names/address etc on a form. Thats it.
>There was no 'caucusing' in the cacus. They could have just cut to the
>chase, and kept a form next to the ballot machines and people could have
>done the same thing.
>On the whole, it was fun, and exciting to have taken part in a process that
>certainly seems important..
>Hope y'all enjoyed this.
>Well, that much for politics - at least as its done in Texas.
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