>English you learnt is absolutely correct. There is no need to start 
>a new learning process on this one.

*** Isn't that the truth!  Who needs  to learn how the natives speak, 
since we already knew what is 'correct'?


At 8:53 AM -0700 4/28/08, Dilip&Dil Deka wrote:
>" I am aware of this Amerikaan Mannerism  but in my
>experience I always heard something like - " I would
>have  done this "  instead of  "I will ..."   .
>Learning never ends. " ------   English you learnt is absolutely 
>correct. There is no need to start a new learning process on this 
>Krishnendu Chakraborty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  My bad. I 
>forgot that you are an Amerikaan and not an
>Assamese :) Or may be , I thought you have taken up
>the arduous task of fixing flaws of USPS :-)
>I am aware of this Amerikaan Mannerism but in my
>experience I always heard something like - " I would
>have done this " instead of "I will ..." .
>Learning never ends.
>Going to the top indeed help as have been my
>experience with MTNL, Mumbai (new phone activated in
>less then 30 minutes once I met the DGM).
>The good news is, Fedex turned to be much better then
>USPS in customer Service. They have rectified the
>duplicate billing issue. Yet to work out the Service
>Guarantee refund but I am hopeful that Fedex will work
>it out.
>I have found a simpler solution than writing to Post
>Master or Congressman ..... stick to UPS for time
>sensitive international mail.
>>*** When I wrote "I will write to my Congressman" or
>"--- to my
>>Post Master --- " , it is a polite way of saying "you
>should be doing
>>that". It is an American mannerism, 'kothaar maat'.
>>I wish I could help. But I am too bust with too many
>>things. I am sure you are quite able to pursue it on
>your on. Good
>>If the Post Master gives you the run-around, which I
>don't expect
>>him to, a call to the elected rep. does wonders. A
>few years back, we
>>could not get cable in our house. After two years of
>getting the run
>>around from the cable company ( because the house
>sets back more than
>>the 200 feet or so that they are required to string
>cables to) I
>>called our County Councilman's office. The clerk made
>one call and we
>>got cable within the next two weeks. Did not even
>have to pay the
>>extra fees for 200 yards of cable laying that I
>anticipated paying.
>>I told the story to my fellow Board Members of our
>large neighborhood
>>association about a a year or so back. Our leader
>remembered it. He
>>too had been having the same problem. So he inquired
>again how
>>exactly I got results. Told him again. He called the
>>Councilman's office, and voila--a month later he had
>At 12:35 PM -0700 4/25/08, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>>Thanks C'da. I have sent all details (dates,
>>locations etc) to you separately. Please keep us
>>posted on the progress/response.
>>USPS domestic service is great but for International
>>Service I found UPS to be more reliable.
>>An occassional miss (by USPS, Fedex, UPS , any body)
>>is perfectly understandable but the attitude of
>>passing the buck is definitely not acceptable ...
>>particularly when you are paying such a high service
>>Did you use the same service (GXG) or the regular
>>Postal Service? How was the delivery ? Did they
>>to commitment?
>>>  >I would compile the facts, and send it to my
>>>  Congressman. And follow
>>>  up with him/her in two weeks or so.
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