>Swimming with the current is always easy Chandan Da; swimming 
>against is >understandably not.

*** That is why those who know better, the able, must not remain mute 

>  Some of our prejudices are due to propaganda dinned into our ears 
>all the >time.

*** True. That is why critical thinking and analyses are of paramount 

>That is how politicians like Bush and his kindred elsewhere in the 
>world >survive.

*** And so, those who see thru the scams or the reality behind the 
semantics must challenge them. And who, if not the intelligentsia, to 
do that?

You must have seen the continual use of 'appeasement' argument in Indian media
and among its intelligentsia for decades on end. Question is WHAT has 
India GIVEN CONCESSIONS on and to WHAT ENEMIES? WHO are these enemies?

>He was trying to attribute food price hike to indian/chinese middle 
>class >consumption. He asked everyone to put blinkers about the 
>waste in the US >itself; farm subsidy in the western world; 
>competition between men and cars for >corn; structural shifts in the 
>economy brought about by the US led brand of >globalisation.

**** Here I disagree. Bush is not a fool to try to BLAME India or 
China. It was an attempt to deflect attention AWAY from American 
over-consumption and waste or the funneling of corn to produce patrol.

There is a huge difference between blaming someone else and 
attempting to deflect or downplay one's own responsibilities. Indian 
reactions to this mater is, once again, a result of this 'damned 
English language', if not a fabricated cause of resentment to score 
points against America on a very easy subject: a 'holaa gosot 
baagi-kuthar'  eruption.

At 5:30 PM +0100 5/17/08, uttam borthakur wrote:
>Swimming with the current is always easy Chandan Da; swimming 
>against is understandably not. Some of our prejudices are due to 
>propaganda dinned into our ears all the time. That is how 
>politicians like Bush and his kindred elsewhere in the world 
>survive. He was trying to attribute food price hike to 
>indian/chinese middle class consumption. He asked everyone to put 
>blinkers about the waste in the US itself; farm subsidy in the 
>western world; competition between men and cars for corn; structural 
>shifts in the economy brought about by the US led brand of 
>Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I hear the word 
>'appeasing minorities' in India all the time--in
>Assamnet, in desi papers and internet forums.
>A raging controversy is going on in the US right this moment on GW
>Bush's likening diplomatic contacts and efforts to 'appeasing
>terrorists' which he implied Barrack Obama would do, in a speech in
>Israel. Aside from it being a blatantly shameless form of
>pandering to the Jewish vote in the USA, the tactic employs the
>misuse of words to score political points with poorly informed
>voters, something this administration has employed masterfully to
>take the country into war under false pretenses, among other misdeeds.
>And the Indians, who tend to copy whatever the west does and parrot
>whatever their politicians might, particularly those who have
>shamelessly tried to ride the coat-tails of US reaction against 9/11,
>hoping to exploit it to deliver themselves from the Kashmir fallout
>also have been using the word 'appeasement' without ever knowing what
>it MEANS, just like GW Bush has done.
>Appeasement means , in this context:
>The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain
>peace. ( from Wikipedia)
>So, when our THINKING friends here in assamnet use the word to vent
>their anger against Muslims or their Hinduttwa frustrations, they
>might consider its meaning first, to see if it is applicable.
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>Uttam Kumar Borthakur
>  From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India.  Click here.
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