At 8:44 PM +0530 5/30/08, shantikam hazarika wrote:
>What a pitiable life you must be leading out there, that you have to 
>seek entertainment by reading about what is going on in Assam.
>Fortunately, whether you can "believe" or not is of no consequence 
>to anyone here. So you can go down beyond calling someone a "Fool", 
>and continue to seek your quota of entertainment from here. You will 
>have all our sympathies.

*** I understand the disgust with my comments, coming as it does, 
from that disgusting land of Yemerica.  And I am 'cool with that', as 
my compatriots here may say. No offense taken. No hurt feelings.

But WHAT is YOUR response to the general's diagnosis and the chief 
minister's  treatment plan, Hazarika? I and I am sure  a good many 
others, would  like to hear that .

I realize and have sympathy for the fact that it might be too hot a 
potato  for YOU to handle, in more ways than one.  And I am not being 
glib about that. We all have our burdens to bear.

But if it were to be too hot a potato for me to handle, I would have 
kept my silence and not attempted to deflect attention away from the 
hurtful subject by attacking the messenger.

Of course I presume that YOU do know WHERE  the GOC, who, if I am not 
mistaken, was the Indian armed forces chief not too long back; was 
completely  CLUELESS.  And HOW the CM  sounded equally clueless if 
not SPINELESS ( in failing to point out the stupidity embedded in the 
GOC's comment to his people who are hoping to build a DEMOCRATIC 
society and by doing that educate  them); PROVIDED he does KNOW  the 
correct answer.

Shall we?

You will do the netters a huge favor, a fair segment of which STILL 
might not quite know what the issues here are, considering that I too 
come from the same system of non-education that they reel under.

You being in the educating business and being the avid supporter of 
democratic values as you are, I expect no less from you.



>Shantikam Hazarika
>Assam Institute of Management
>PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India
>>  Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 09:01:39 -0500
>>  To:
>>  Subject: [Assam] More on Never Cease to be Entertained
>>  The following in Today's Sentinel:
>>  Giving up arms a must for peace talks: Gogoi
>>  By our Staff Reporter
>>  GUWAHATI, May 29: In what could best be termed as setting a
>>  precondition for peace talks, Aso
>>  *** I can't believe this! Is this an unmitigated assembly of FOOLS or what?
>>  cm
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