Believe me, once I morphed into an armchair sleuth to investigate the deaths of the screen goddess Marilyn Monroe and the King of Pops Michael Jackson from painkillers. In Marilyn’s case the evidence was tampered with by her physicians while Michael’s case is still pending in court (Michael died on 25 June 2009; a preliminary hearing has been fixed for today in a US Court) Sorry, I am going astray.

The Independent today has the following report by Jeremy Lawrance, Health Editor-

Warning of health ‘disaster’ as deaths from powerful painkillers treble
PRESCRIPIONS for powerful painkillers such as morphine have soared in the past 20 years and researchers say addiction and death through overdoses are rising in their wake. In the US deaths involving opioid analgesics rose more than threefold between 1999 and 2007, from 4,401 to 14,450. They are now more common than deaths from HIV and liver disease caused by excessive drinking. There are no equivalent figures for the UK, but prescriptions for the strong painkillers have risen fivefold to more than 15 million a year.

Most deaths are caused by unintentional overdose and victims are often young.

The actor Heath Ledger died aged 28 in 2008 of an overdose.He was taking a cocktail of prescription drugs of which the key constituent was the powerful opioid painkiller oxycodone. More than 600,000 prescriptions for oxycodon were filled in the UK in that year; up from 600 in 1999. In the US it is known as “hillbilly heroin”.

In the BMJ, researchers from the University of Toronto, in Canada, say addiction to opioids is a problem in all countries, including the UK. They call for tighter restrictions on the marketing of powerful painkillers and better education for doctors.

[There are links to more articles on the subject in the same paper by the author. After linking up, if you care, you can get hold of the graphics and other relevant information-bhuban]

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