Dear Friends:

In Business Focus, the Metro, London’s Free daily (05, 01,2012) has profiled Rajesh Agrawal whose mantra is ‘Turning a profit without being greedy”. I reproduce the article below:

Rajesh Agrawal says it makes his ‘blood boil’ when hard working people are ripped off which is why he set up RationalFX- an online commission-free foreign exchange company. After seven years in business, he now transfers about $3 billion a year and has offices in Birmingham, London, France and Italy. He lives in comfort with his family in north-west London but the 34-year old will always remember his humble beginnings when he worked for a foreign exchange company in Bombay (now Mumbai) earning just £63 a month. ‘I lived in a working men’s hostel with 12 people.sharing a bathroom’, he said. ‘The victorian drainage system couldn’t cope with the heavy rainfall, I had to take off my shoes and socks and roll up my trousers so I would arrive at the office with dry clothes-but I just saw it all as an adventure’, he said. The same sense of adventure brought Rajesh to England where he set up his own firm in Brighton in 2005. capitalising on the increase in Britons buying property abroad. By ‘not being greedy’ he beat the bank rate up to six per cent on currency transfers abroad and offered a rate of just 0.5 per cent. We have been profitable from year one but there is no reason to overcharge for a service.’, he said. He has now launched, to cut the cost of foreign workers sending money home.

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