JFA appeals for R-Day celebration

Guwahati: Journalists’ Forum Assam (JFA) has appealed to the people of 
northeast India to defy the militants’ diktat and celebrate the forthcoming 
Republic Day in a befitting manner. Reacting to the boycott call of the 
auspicious Day by more than ten separatist armed groups, the journalist 
organization urged the people to remember the immense sacrifice of the martyrs 
of India’s Freedom Movement. 
“We should celebrate the R-Day (also Independence Day) to honour hundred 
thousand patriots and martyrs who faced all troubles to make India independent 
out of British colonial rule,” said in a JFA statement issued by its president 
Rupam Barua and secretary Nava Thakuria.
Mentionable that at least  12 outfits including the anti-talk faction of the 
United Liberation Front of Asom, Coordination Committee (umbrella organisation 
for seven militant outfits of Manipur), Kamatapur Liberation Organisation, 
National Liberation Front of Tripura, Tripura Peoples' Democratic Front and 
Hynnewtrep National Liberation Front had called for a general shutdown on R-Day.
They also urged the indigenous people of the trouble-torn region to ensure the 
boycott (of R-Day) starting from 1 am to 5.30 pm on January 26. 
Most of the militant outfits of northeast India have made it a habit to issue 
boycott call before every R-Day and I-Day as symbol of protest against ‘New 
Delhi’s colonial rule’ in the alienated region. However the common people start 
rejecting their appeal and joining the government programme and community 
celebration related to both the auspicious Days.

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