Book Review :

‘Xampadakaloi chithi’

Arpita Devi

‘Xampadakaloi chithi’ by Buljit Buragohain is a collection of letters to the 
editor on socio-political and educational issues. The book is an overview of 
letters to the editor in various newspapers, magazines etc highlighting 
different issues related to different genre like political, social or economic. 
The book in some way has encouraged journalism of letters in Assam. The 
concoction of small yet useful letter to the editor in the book ‘Xampadakaloi 
chithi’ can be useful in shaping up a healthy society. Every responsible 
citizens, youths, social worker, politicians, educationists should minutely 
observe each and every letters highlighted in the book and come up with an 
initiative to put it into action. The book has already been successful in 
influencing the readers to come up with new ideas and plans to solve 
socio-political and educational issues prevailing in Assam.

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