Archaeology dept comes up in Cotton College
Staff Reporter
 GUWAHATI, May 3 - The Cotton College State University (CCSU) has set up its 
department of archaeology to give impetus to the study of archaeology, 
considering the archaeological importance of the northeastern region.
CCSU Vice Chancellor Prof DJ Saikia said in a statement here today that a lot 
remains to be done in the area of archaeology in the Northeast. Therefore, 
besides offering a master’s programme, the department has plans to focus its 
research interests on the developmental stages of diverse cultures in 
pre-historic and historic periods in the Northeast and its neighbouring 
Himalayan regions.

In-depth studies on the origin and development of rice cultivation focusing on 
paleo-botanical evidence would also be an important area of research. Using 
modern technology to date archaeological layers and analyses of metal objects, 
the department hopes to make significant advances in understanding the region’s 

The department will also take a lead in heritage management, conservation of 
cultural properties and gradually also offer applied archaeology courses, in 
addition to areas such as museology, said Prof Saikia.

The department is currently headed by Dr Manjil Hazarika, who did his PhD on 
ethno-linguistic pre-historic archaeology from the University of Berne, 
Switzerland. He is part of the Indo-French team studying human origins in the 
Indian subcontinent, which discovered animal fossils bearing man-made cut marks 
dating back 2.6 million years in the Shivalik Hills. This pushes back the 
antiquity of human presence in India by about a million years, said Prof Saikia 

 (The Assam Tribune , 04.05.2016)
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