‘Eveningwith a Doctor’ program at press club mooted

Guwahati:Emphasizing on preventive healthcare initiatives for the

mediapersons a special program titled ‘Evening with a Doctor’ is

mootedat the premises of Guwahati Press Club (GPC). Under this program a

practicingdoctor will be available for free consultations on

healthcareissues for the benefit of GPC member-journalists along with

theirclose relatives.

Thedoctor, representing any government or private hospital, will

arriveat press club on every Saturday by 5 pm and continue the

consultationstill 8 pm. A number of city based hospitals has already

agreedto support the initiative of the press club providing their

qualifiedphysicians of different departments to the program on a


Theprogram, scheduled to start by next month, is also expected to

helpthe interested scribes to understand various aspects of

healthcarein a better way that would finally encourage them to cover

thevital issue with more authenticities, said GPC secretary Nava Thakuria.

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