EFAopines major electrical reformation in India 


Guwahati:Engineers’ Forum Assam (EFA) expresses concern over the deaths of 
manyindividuals due to electrocution in the country and opines for a debate 
tochange the working domestic voltages from 240 (alternate current with 50 
hertz)to 120 (or even lower in volt differences).

Accordingto the media reports, Assam lost 979 human lives due to electrocution 
since2001-02, where the highest number of electrocution casualties (88) was 
recordedin 2016-17. More shockingly Assam witnessed 57 electrocution related 
deaths inthe last four months (April, May, June and July 2017).

“Thestatistics relating to electrocution deaths in the State remain appalling. 
Webelieve a debate becomes a necessity over the layout of the live wires, 
itstimely maintenance, public awareness over the use of electrical 
appliancesacross the country,” said a statement issued by the forum of 

Itadded that the use of bamboo or other living trees to carry out the 
electricalwires should (must) be stopped and the Assam Power Distribution 
Company Ltd must replace all such temporarypoles across the State with 
prescribed posts.

Theforum also insists on using proper fuse wires (or other 
protectivearrangements) as a precautionary measure in all electrical systems. 
Replacingfuse wires with other heavy cables in high voltage electrical 
appliances isnothing but inviting a disaster, vows the EFA statement.

“FinallyIndia should debate whether  110/120 voltmay be an adoptable option in 
place of present 220/240 volt to reduce the fatality of the system. At least 
thedeveloped nations like USA, UK and even our Asian friend Japan use lower 
voltlines to decrease the risk factors,” stated the forum.

Otherwise,two live/phase with one neutral arrangement can be adopted where the 
customersmay opt for single phase line to use in lighting (preferably with LED 
bulbs),digital screening of television, computer, mobile phones etc and low 
watt fans.Others, who prefer heavy electrical appliances, may go for 
multi-phase supplylines.

“Weunderstand that it would be a major policy shift for a country like 
Indiainvolving a huge volume of resources. But if the authority wants to put 
theweight in favour of human lives, it must actively debate over the matter for 
anamicable resolutions,” concluded the forum.
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