Even if ASSAM has control over it's own finances, the money will still be 
siphoned off - since the siphoning off is being done locally (I would 
venture to suggest Assam stands 2nd in Corruption Index in the country!!). 
If the local siphoning off were not there, the money coming from Delhi would 
have been put to better use.

Prioritization of where to spend money is done based on inputs from local 
leaders - who, in such a federal structure are supposed to define and 
communicate the real needs of the people. The local leaders come from the 
local community - so either they don't know or don't care.

In a situation, where Assam as a state has COMPLETE control over its 
finances - what do you suggest? Change from the Congress/AGP party to 
another grouping, let's say the current leaders of the liberation movements. 
The way they currently run their "liberation movements", does not look like 
they will meet the REAL needs of the people.

And if there were to be those people that come up to serve the REAL needs of 
the people, why, on earth could they not do it under the current 
dispensation. Some other "peoples" seem to be doing just fine without having 
armies of liberation movement armies around.

I believe, in current circumstances and in retrospect of the last few 
adventurous decades, it is an extremely lame arguement. No one seems to 
suggest that getting the local government to work is a solution to many of 
the problems. But then, one can't blame Hastinapur for one's own faults, any 

>From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   
>Subject: Re: Fwd: THE VANCOUVER SUN (report on Shankar Borua's newest 
>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 14:17:40 -0500
> >I hope some day, some one don't say this to the "world" about us - those
> >Assamese that DO NOT care for Assam's independence, that because of those
> >"pumped dollars" we too are not looking for independence.
>You might be a bit late for that Alpana. While YOU may not fit the
>description, unfortunately there are plenty others who already do, have
>done for years. I mean who would NOT want to change the status quo, because
>it is so profitable to them personally.
>Santanu's poignant article of this morning illustrates that well. But there
>is plenty more.
>The millions that come to Assam as largesse from Delhi, is little more than
>bribes that Shankar Borua alludes to, Delhi's packaging with Gandhi's
>picture on it not-withstanding. And why would anyone who benefit from such
>largesse, directly or even indirectly, would want to have the golden goose
>killed? And guess what--WE, you, I and countless others like us ARE/WERE
>the recipients of such dubious CHARITY.
>And for exactly the same reason, Dilip's complaint re: Flood Control in
>Assam--that the money still must come from Delhi-- is why it must end. That
>Delhi MUST not have CONTROL over Assam's finances, so it can use those
>monies taken from the region in various forms to RE-DISTRIBUTE it, as if it
>is THEIR ancestral wealth, being given out of its immense sense of charity,
>as it does in Nagaland and other areas of the NE, to further its own agenda
>and interests, OVER the real needs of these peoples.
>Tilok Daktor's observation of the other day in parody of --"Twmar baarire
>baanh gaanj, taare khundilu khorisaa** Twmake xolai dhaan-dwn lolu, kothatu
>mon korisaa" was apt indeed :-).
>At 1:06 PM -0500 8/13/02, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:
> >>Even though many Naga want independence , the people are split , some
> >> >along tribal differences , and some for economic reasons. " The
> >> >government of India has pumped millions of dollars into the region in
> >> >the last 50 years in order to buy off people or broadly incorporate 
> >them
> >>into the system," says Borua . " So people who gain from the >system 
> >>like to have the status quo maintained."
> >
> >I hope some day, some one don't say this to the "world" about us - those
> >Assamese that DO NOT care for Assam's independence, that because of those
> >"pumped dollars" we too are not looking for independence.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: J Kalita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: Fwd: THE VANCOUVER SUN (report on Shankar Borua's newest movie)
> >>Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 09:27:29 -0700 (PDT)
> >>
> >>
> >>Note: forwarded message attached.
> >>
> >>
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