Say what Alpana :-)?

Well, I got the idea, sorta-kinda, that you are on Neep's side. But the
rest I couldn't figure out. Are you relapsing to the mode of
complicated-speak that Nitin attempted to cure you from :-)?


At 8:41 AM -0600 11/8/02, Alpana Sarangapani wrote:
>> *** count me in on your side here Neep :-). Makes a lot of sense. I know
>> Rajen also advocated the same right here in Assam net years ago.
>It turned out to be that I am again in the opposition (actually not, it is
>just too much for me to bear), C'da. Serves me right for not paying
>I don't know how my thoughts go into the same line with the people that I've
>never (or don't wish to meet) met. Once before, as Utpal (sort of) pointed
>out (I think) with the politicians from Assam (about the Assamese language),
>and now with the folks in England.
>I think it is time for me to join politics. uxh, it gave me the goosebumps
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Chan Mahanta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Neep Hazarika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Alpana Sarangapani"
>Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 8:17 AM
>Subject: Re: X for sha
>> At 8:43 AM +0000 11/8/02, Neep Hazarika wrote:
>> >Since the x's in Assamese are pronounced the same, would it not make
>> >sense to do away with it all and have only one alphabet to represent it?
>> >Also, one whole line of ta, tha, da,.. can be eliminated. A dynamic
>> >language has to get rid of vestigeal alphabets. I tried to run this by
>> >some of the Oxomiya folks here, but they were purists who would have
>> >none of it. There need not be separate alphabets for dointya, murdhanya
>> >and talibya x. A lot of energy is spent unnecessarily spelling, e.g.,
>> >xuxruxa, creative energy which could be better utilized elsewhere.
>> >
>> *** count me in on your side here Neep :-). Makes a lot of sense. I know
>> Rajen also advocated the same right here in Assam net years ago.
>> cm

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