Mrs. Victoria Siaka
Cocodi Camp
Houphuet-Boigny Road
Abidjan, Ivory Coast


DEAR Friend

Confidential Investment Proposal

I am the wife of the Sierra Leonean Rebel Army Chief fighting the government of Sierra 
Leone.  My husband was brutally killed when he led the operation to capture the 
capital city, Freetown.

The government has been after my family ever since.  Everything owned by my husband 
was destroyed and assets confiscated.  My life and that of my three children are not 
spared and we have to run away into Ivory Coast for the safety of our life where we 
presently live as refugees.

I have in my possession documents containing details of my husband’s transactions on 
behalf of the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) which he was the Army Chief.

US$32Million (Thirty-two Million United States Dollars Only) meant for the purchase of 
weapons and other military hardwares was deposited by him in the vault of one Security 
Company with no names used except Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) and 
Certificate of Deposit which was used to secure the money.

Top officials of the RUF cannot trace this money because no names were used in 
depositing it.  I need a reliable and trustworthy foreign investor to entrust with the 
PIN and the CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT to enable him remove the funds from the Security 
Company and help us in the investment of the funds.  Me and my children intend to 
travel overseas to start a fresh life and settle finally.

If you are capable of assisting us in realising this investment, write me  for more 
information.  I am also ready to offer reasonable commission to you as will be agreed 

I do not need to remind you of the absolute confidentiality and secrecy required in 
this business please reply only to my confidential email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards.

Mrs. Victoria Siaka

p;s please note that for confidential reason i have not included your email address.


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