Title: Re: ref: my introduction
Welcome Utpal. Our paths crossed before. I am sure you remember. Congrats. again on your fine efforts.

Thanks for correcting me. I had a vague idea that there indeed is a place called Jokaisuk, but was never clear on where it stood. Turns out it is less than ten miles from my birth-'muluk' :-). But like Ram suggests, it can become a  generic but quintessentially kharkhowa, obscure and humble locale, that many of us can claim our roots to. In that it is a band of honor that we proudly wear.



At 5:36 PM +0100 8/18/05, utpal borpujari wrote:
Hi all. Just a few things:
1. "Actually Jokaisuk is a mythical 'muluk', from which both Tilok Daktor and myself, as well as a host of other kharkhowas can and do hail."
- Chandan-da, Jokaisuk, as far as I know (correct me if I am wrong) is not a 'mythical muluk'. In fact, quite contrary to the image the name gives, it is located right on the national highway between Amguri and Sivasagar, before one reaches Gaurisagar.
2. "I thinik our journaluist new comer friend is 'bhoyote touba touba khaise'. - RAJEN"
Bhoi khowa nai. I am actually quite excited that what I thought was just a mere introductory mail from me, and thereby obviously my first mail to the group, has led to such an interesting discussion.
3. Manoj-da (of Assam Association, Delhi) and Shantikam Hazarika : Thanks for mentioning about my winning the national Best film critic Swarna Kamal award in 2003 and being a jury member at the national film awards this year. This kind of constant encouragement helps in thinking of doing something better.
4. A request to everyone in the group: unless there is some kind of rule about this, please delete all the previous mails (except may be the mail to which one is replying to) while hitting the reply button. Otherwise, this makes the mailers very voluminous, with the same mails being appended at the bottom of each mail repetatively.
- Utpal

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