a frank statement!

bhriti choudhury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Mike,
I am writing this mail with the reference to the mail you sent. Actually i'm not at all agree with your view that we need to join ULFA to save Assam. I think now a days ULFA has become a bunch of jokers, which are being controlled by some forigen nations. At one point of time i was also a big fan of ULFA n their idologies. But now they have lost their goal completely. Now it has become the institution of some bekar jobless youth. They are only there for the sake of money and nothing else. They dont even know the meaning of "Swadhinota". I dont think by killing some people you'll be able to get the independence.
I know there are many problems we the people of Assam are facing. But by killing some innocent people we won't be able to solve the problem. There should be some proper talks between the Central Govt. and ULFA to solve the whole problem. The BLT people has set an example before us. Atleast they have got some aid from the Central Govt. and job for their people. I guess "amuthi manuhe biplab jiyai rakhibo noware". And if you get a survey done on the support ULFA getting from the people of Assam, I guess you won't find more than 20% people supports them.
Well I'm not trying to be judgemental, Its the way what i feel. Coz i also love my place n people very much. Hope you won't mind. Hope to see your reply soon.
mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Join Ulfa,
Save Assam.
Save Yourself.
Save Indiaby becoming Truly Independant
Save the World
You are wasting your time at Harvard.
Apply now on the Internet--all of you doubting Thomases.
Mukul Mahant

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