On 09/10/10 08:29, Walt Farrell wrote:
> How about this interpretation? The offset is 4092 from the value in R1,
> since R1 addresses from -4096 to -1, and -4 - (-4096) is 4092. 4092 = FFC.
Another HLASM test case:

  Active Usings: None
  Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement
000000                00000 0000C     1 NEGDISP  CSECT
                                      2 *
000000 0000 0000            00000     3          LA    R3,-4(,R2)
** ASMA028E Invalid displacement
** ASMA435I Record 3 in SPPG.NEGDISP.JOB07274.D0000101.? on volume:
                                      4 *
                 R:1 FFF000           5          USING -4096,R1
000004 4132 1FFC           FFFFFC     6          LA    R3,-4(R2)
                                      7 *
000008 4130 2FFC           FFFFFC     8          LA    R3,-4(,R2)
                                      9 *
                                     10          YREGS

HLASM reports ASMA028E at line 3, but no error on the
identical statement at line 8.  All the experiments I can
think of indicate that the USING is the differentiator.
But this is silly.  With an explicit base register specified,
HLASM shouldn't even attempt implicit address resolution.

This feels ever more like a bug.

-- gil

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