Sorry, this Subject was tagged with a [SPAM] notation on my end and I
neglected to remove it before I replied.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-
>] On Behalf Of Gary L Peskin
> Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 11:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [SPAM] NSLOOKUP vs BPX1GHN
> Assuming that PLIST points to a valid remote parameter list, I think
> that your best bet is to dump PLIST before the call to make sure it
> looks okay and to turn on Trace Resolver output with a
> I'm not sure how you're getting your base resolver files.  Have a look
> at
> alz0
> 02/mvsso.htm#mvsso which explains how the base resolver configuration
> file is located.
> Gary
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-
> >] On Behalf Of
> > Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 7:31 AM
> > Subject: [SPAM] NSLOOKUP vs BPX1GHN
> >
> > This probably is not the right forum for this question.
> > But the people on this forum seem to be more knowledgeable. I have
> > used BPX1GHN before to retrieve an ip-address for a given "Host Name".
> >
> > Im not sure I understand why I cant consistently retrieve a ip-address
> > for Host Name. I consistently receive a not found or un-known host?
> > Return code of 1 and Reason Code of X '1004'
> > When I issue NSLOOKUP command from TSO 6, NSLOOKUP does return an ip-
> > address and a server name.
> >
> > I also understand that NSLOOKUP and BPX1GHN uses different methologies
> > to locate the host name. It is my understanding that BPX1GHN uses the
> > TCP/IP Resolver service to resolve the host name through a name
> server.
> > BPX1GHN may also need to search the HOSTS.SITEINFO dataset.
> >
> > NSLOOKUP on the otherhand uses multiple socket and resolver service
> > calls  (a lower level servoice call).
> >
> > I have posted code snipets below.
> >
> > Not being a Network Or TCP Person can someone explain why I Can not
> > retrieve the ip-address from a host name via BPX1GHN ? As I mentioned
> > earlier I have used BPX1GHN at other installations. I do have an OMVS
> > segment defined to me RACF id.
> >
> > I dont understand why I continue to receive UNKNOWN HOST for BPX1GHN.
> >
> > ************************************************************
> >
> >          MVC   BPXEYE,=C'BPXPARMS' Eye Catcher
> >
> >          XC    BPXSAVE,BPXSAVE     Register Save Area
> >
> >          XC    HOST_NAME,HOST_NAME
> >
> >          LA    R0,00
> >
> >          ST    R0,BPXVAL           Return Value
> >
> >          ST    R0,BPXRETCD         Return Code
> >
> >          ST    R0,BPXRSNCD         Reason Code
> >
> >          ST    R0,HOST_ENT@        Address Of Host Name Stru
> >
> >          LA    R0,L'C_SYSAHIP      Length Of Host Name
> >
> >          ST    R0,HOST_NAME#       Length Of Host Name
> >
> >
> > *
> >
> >          LOAD  EP=BPX1GHN            Load BPX Module
> >
> >          STM   R15,R1,LOADREGS       Save Registers From Load
> >
> >          ST    R0,BPX1GHN@           Save Address Of BPX1GHN
> >
> > *
> >
> >          L     R15,BPX1GHN@          Get Address Of BPX1GHN
> >
> >          CALL  (15),                 Get host by name
> >
> >                (HOST_NAME,           Input: Name of Host being queried
> >
> >                HOST_NAME#,           Input: Length of host name
> >
> >                HOST_ENT@,            Output: 0 or -> HOSTENT structure
> >
> >                BPXVAL,               Return code
> >
> >                BPXRETCD,             Return code
> >
> >                BPXRSNCD),            Reason code
> >
> >                LINKINST=BASR,
> >
> >                VL,MF=(E,PLIST)       ---------------------------------
> -
> >
> > *
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > *******************************************************************
> > *******************************************************************
> >
> >
> > BPXSAVE  DS    9D            Register Save Area
> >
> > BPXEYE   DS    D             <=EYE CATCHER
> >
> > BPXVAL   DS    A
> >
> > BPXRETCD DS    A             Return Code
> >
> > BPXRSNCD DS    A             Reason Code
> >
> > HOST_ENT@  DS  A             Address Of Host Name Structure
> >
> > HOST_NAME# DS  A             Length Of Host Name
> >
> > HOST_NAME  DS  CL255         Host Name
> >
> >
> > *******************************************************************
> > *******************************************************************
> >
> >
> >
> > Paul D'Angelo

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