One of the ways I avoid too many nested IF statements is to use straddling 
DO/ENDDO around code that may require several "let's get outta here now" 
moments. For example :

        DO    ,
          Some code
          DOEXIT (TM,flag,bit,NO)
          Some more code
          DOEXIT (CLC,field,NE,value)
          Call some subroutine
          DOEXIT (LTR,R15,R15,NZ)

You could also label the "DO" (eg "MAIN") and then use something like "ASMLEAVE 
MAIN" from anywhere later in the logic.

Rob Scott
Lead Developer
Rocket Software
275 Grove Street * Newton, MA 02466-2272 * USA
Tel: +1.617.614.2305

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Johanson, Adam
Sent: 03 February 2011 18:42
Subject: Re: Best (or any) practices to rewrite "spaghetti"

John Ehrman wrote:

> There's no reason your SP macro code can't include a jump to an error handler 
> when an error occurs.

> Donald Knuth once wrote a scholarly article called "Structured Programming 
> with GOTO Statements" where he showed that
> attempts to be "purely structured" were often more obscure than using a GOTO 
> when it was simplest.

        Yeah, what they said.

        I recently changed a couple of multi-thousand-line programs to use SPMs 
and my first thought was that I was going to eliminate all of the branches in 
them. But as I got going, it became pretty apparent that to do so would require 
things that made the code a little bit less readable, like lengthening 
IF-blocks and adding a couple of more indentation spacings to blocks that 
already had a fair amount of indentation to them.

        Then, I told myself that the whole point of the exercise was to make 
the code more readable, so a branch to a return-to-caller label every now and 
then didn't really defeat the purpose and actually _did_ help things. IMHO, 
rather than seeing a big nested IF statement and chasing down the end point 
just to figure out that you're gonna return to the caller is a bit more 
involved than realizing, "Oh, I'm just getting out of Dodge."

        And you've probably come across it in the SHARE presentations that 
you've seen, but if you're going to do this, download Ed Jaffe's FLOWASM exit. 
It makes life easier.

Adam Johanson
IMS Systems Programming

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