
thanks for reporting the issue.
On my (windoze) testbox, case is irrelevant,
and the same goes for forward/backward slashes...

I'll update the generator asap.

BTW: a lot of instruction pages are still missing.
It is on my list to generate all of them, but it's
going to take some time...

Thanks again,
Abe Kornelis.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jack Schudel" <j...@nersp.cns.ufl.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: hlasm.com announcement


When I tried to drill down to the detail page for an instruction
I got a 404 Page Not Found message.
It appears that the filename generated by the html is in
upper case, but the actual file name on your site is
in lower case.

For example, starting at the current op codes page:
and then clicking on Mnemonic "A", I get taken to
which is not found,
but changing the final uppercase "A" to lower case works:

(The above was with Internet Explorer 8.)

When I try this with Firefox 3.6.13, I get a back slash between
"opcd" and "A.htm", so in that case I have to both
change the slash and lowercase the file name.
(I just tried using a back slash with IE, and it automatically
converted it to a forward slash, which I thought was interesting.)

Anyway, this looks like an impressive piece of work,
and I really hope that you can find a way of updating the
pages that currently report
    "The description of this instruction is not yet complete."

Thanks,           -jack

----- Original Message -----
From: "Abe F. Kornelis" <a...@bixoft.nl>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ASSEMBLER-LIST] hlasm.com announcement


my apologies - there's a typo in the links.
Please try
http://www.hlasm.com/english/oplist.htm for English or
http://www.hlasm.com/hollands/oplist.htm for Dutch.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
Abe Kornelis.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Abe F. Kornelis" <a...@bixoft.nl>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 6:26 PM
Subject: hlasm.com announcement


For those of you who might be interested I have another
announcement - the last one was only a month ago.

As the site generator is maturing, I am now finally able to
generate lists of instructions and format them as html
pages. So I have added 137 pages with lists of instructions,
ordered by opcode, mnemonic, or name. Without an
automated generator this would have been impossible!

It took alittle tweaking, but I have finally managed to
sorting by name in a case insensitive manner, with numerals
sorting higher than alphabetic characters, and irrespective of
the assembling platform or source encoding scheme.

For results, please check:
http://www/hlasm.com/english/oplist.htm for the English version or
http://www.hlasm.com/hollands/oplist/htm for the Dutch version.

If you find any error, please do not hesitate to inform me.

Kind regards,
Abe Kornelis
Contractor & Consultant
for Assembler & DB2.
Currently available for
adding value to your company

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