MVCX sounds a bit like MVCOS with R00=0.
The PoOP says MVCOS may be significantly slower than MVC, but I would be
interested to see a comparison between it and an executed MVC i.e. for use
in short(ish) variable length moves.

Robert Ngan
CSC Financial Services Group

From:   "Peurifoy, Richard L" <>
Date:   2013/04/17 10:49
Subject:        Re: Millicode Instructions
Sent by:        IBM Mainframe Assembler List <ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>

> Some millicode instructions will outperform their PoOp-code
> counterparts
> because millicode has access to hardware features not available to
> ordinary code. For example, MVCL(E) has the ability to move data
> under
> certain conditions without loading it into cache. (You can't do that
> with looping MVC.) Millicode routines also have access to the MVCX
> instruction which performs a variable-length MVC -- something
> ordinary
> programs cannot do without using the EXecute instruction.

MVCX sounds like it would be usefull for non-millicode, any idea why it
was not externalized? Is there a coresponding CLCX?


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