Convert your PLX code to assembler and you will see that you are binary
searching a pointer table that has fixed length entries.

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: robin
 Sent: 10/25/2013 04:52 AM
From: "Tony Thigpen" <>
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 12:16 PM

> In XPL, each string is accessed via descriptor that contains in a
> word
> the memory address and the length.

Your code is doing a binary search of the FIXED length POINTER table.

No it's not. The code re-posted for you is PL/I. The storage for each
is of a fixed size.  Cariable C ios of type CHARACTER.
The code is performing a binary search of a string table.

In the original XPL code, the variable "C" is also of type CHARACTER.

It is not doing a binary search of a table that has variable length rows.

Looks like it to me.

As I said, any table with variable length rows requires the building of
a secondary table with fixed rows before a binary search can be used.

No it doesn't.

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