Thanks for the link. This is more in line with my type of writing than
the current IF macros. They might be something I can really use.

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Rob van der Heij
 Sent: 12/05/2013 04:43 AM
On 5 December 2013 08:22, Ed Jaffe <> wrote:

FLOWASM never hides anything. The slide merely conveys how FLOWASM
implants nested "flow bars" (ala PL/X) to help improve code readability.

What's pictured appears to be just an ordinary LIST(133) HLASM source
listing with PRINT NOGEN in effect. The "missing" four bytes are simply
the JNE instruction generated by the IF macro.

We're getting close to religious issues there...  a lot depends on your
tools and the problems you need to solve.

I inherited an XEDIT macro that indents my source to reflect nesting of
clauses and statements, so I don't need the HLASM listing for that. When
dealing with the structure of my code, I work on the source alone. My brain
is too small to do 10 levels of nesting and I find relief in a scheme with
nested procedures:
When I find myself writing an IF clause that spans more than 50 lines of
source, I'm often doing something wrong.

The reason I need the HLASM listing is to dig in a dump or set traces on my
code, so I would like to see those generated instructions including the
ones that are obvious. The other case for the listing is to correct my
misunderstanding of the macro suite.


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