For years, I have used a simple set of macros to set bits on and off. Yes, they are simplistic and from days when I was first playing with macros, but I have continued to use them. (And, yes, it served as a good learning point and I now write much more complicated macros.)

Anyway, this is the first time I attempted to use a one of these macros with a dependent using. Here is an example:

Main code:
         LA    R1,$50TIE.EZTIE_PARM25
         BITON $50TIE.EZTIE_PARM05,X'80'

macro referenced:

Error generated:
000C4E 4110 20B0 00070 938          LA    R1,$50TIE.EZTIE_PARM25
000C52 5010 204C 0000C 939          ST    R1,$50TIE.EZTIE_COMMAND
                       940          BITON $50TIE.EZTIE_PARM05,X'80'
000C56 0000 0000 00000 941+         OI $50TIE.EZTIE_PARM05,X'80'
** ASMA010E Invalid use of symbol qualifier - $50TIE.EZTIE_PARM05
** ASMA044E Undefined symbol - EZTIE_PARM05
** ASMA435I Record 3 in TEIMAC   MACLIB   A1(BITON) on volume: TEI191

As can be seen in line 938, the dependent using is working correctly as long as it is not used within a macro.

So, how do I fix this macro?

Tony Thigpen

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