
I attempted something like that: http://www.bixoft.com/english/opcd00.htm and http://www.bixoft.com/english/opcodes.htm Also I have created an extensive list of instruction tables starting at e.g. http://www.bixoft.com/english/opl_bbbm.htm

I had to give up on keeping everything up-to-date. Also, the detailed instruction examples have never been extended beyond X'3F'.
Maybe after my retirement I'll find to fix all the flaws and omissions...

In the meantime, anyone who finds these charts and tables useful is welcome to use the material I provided.

Kind regards,
Abe Kornelis.

glen herrmannsfeldt schreef op 14-11-2014 18:46:
The mention of instruction sets and green cards reminds me,
does anyone have a (scan of) a 360/20 Reference Summary?

Some places indicate that it might be yellow or red.

-- glen

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