I wanted the length aligned on the odd byte, so the immediately following 
(labeled) string was on a halfword boundary and could therefore be referenced 
using a LARL.

Just realized my expression was doing DIVISION by 2 instead of the MODULO 2 I 

I was calling it a (conceptual) CNOP, since it was an attempt to force 
alignment on one boundary within another boundary.  I sometimes use CNOP within 
dsects to do this.

Thanks for spotting the [now obvious] flaw in my code.

Robert Ngan
CeleritiFinTech Services

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU] On 
Behalf Of Tony Harminc
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 15:31
Subject: Re: Friday puzzle: CNOP 1,2

On 19 August 2016 at 14:47, Ngan, Robert <rn...@csc.com> wrote:
> I'm writing a macro to build length prefixed character strings.  The
length is one byte, and the actual string is referenced by LARL so it needs to 
be halfword aligned.

The string needs to be halfword aligned, or the length byte does?

> So I coded (what would be a CNOP 1,2 - if it was valid):

I don't see how CNOP comes into this. CNOP (Conditional No OPeration) is used 
to pad an instruction stream with NOPRs (X'0700'); it makes no sense for data. 
(Not that it's *wrong* to generate unneeded 0700s, but that's why there is no 
sense to CNOP 1,2.)

>          DC    (1-(*-&SYSECT)/2)X'00'   Simulate a CNOP 1,2
> However, this generates ASMA067S Illegal duplication factor.

You're on the right track here, I think, but I think your calculation is not 
quite right.

How about:

DC    (1-((*-&SYSECT)-(*-&SYSECT)/2*2))X'00'

Or just use DS:

DS    (1-((*-&SYSECT)-(*-&SYSECT)/2*2))X

Or you could use something similar with an ORG.

I'm not clear if you want the length to be generated as a byte before the data 
(on the odd boundary), and if so where the label should be.  This seems to 
produce reasonable results, assuming you want the label on the halfword aligned 

         PRINT DATA

&name    CSTRING &data
&dat     SETC  DEQUOTE('&data')
&len     SETA  DCLEN('&dat')
         DS    (1-((*-&SYSECT)-(*-&SYSECT)/2*2))X
         DC    FL1'&len'
&name    DC    C'&dat'

DataA    CSTRING 'Some data'
DataB    CSTRING 'Some more data'
DataC    CSTRING '12345'
DataD    CSTRING '1234'
DataE    CSTRING '1'
DataF    CSTRING NoQuotes
DataG    CSTRING 'O''Connor'

This is somewhat but not completely robust wrt the operand - it can be quoted 
or not as you like. Of course if you want the label on the odd-byte-aligned 
length byte, just move it. You could also do tricks to give the label the right 
length attribute.

&name    EQU   *,&len+1

would give it the length of the string plus the length byte.  etc. etc.

Tony H.

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