Why am I asking this? Because I just installed a product on our, very old,
z9BC. Said product's documentation said it was supported on a Z9. But it
abended S0C1 on the instruction: E54C 1000 0000 (MVHI 0(1),0). I looked
this up and it appears to be part of the "general instructions extension
facility", which came in on the z10 class. Now, I know this code was likely
generated by the C compiler (given the, unnamed by me, vendor). But this
seems to be what I would expect to be from something like the C code: short
int somevar=0; So I guess that is the reason: a general template which uses
MVHI to set a halfword integer to a constant value.

But, in the case of hand crafted assembler, would an MVHI be "better" than
an "old style" XC for some reason? I am thinking speed, having the operand
in the i-cache, and so forth. Or is an XC of a region with itself
"optimized" in the hardware to not actually fetch the data and do an XC
operation because the result is always b'000...' regardless of the operand?

There’s no obfuscated Perl contest because it’s pointless.

—Jeff Polk

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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