On 12/20/2017 08:15 AM, John McKown wrote:
On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 6:59 AM, Steve Thompson <ste...@copper.net> wrote:
Now, I might be able to solve a problem with an ALC module that was
written and last touched about 1988 under MVS/SP1. Making this particular
module LE friendly, RENT, AMODE(31), and G3 friendly has been painful so
far. And who will be able to work on it after those of us who know HLASM
and conditional assembly are gone?

So I have been tasked to find a solution, and here it was hiding in the
COBOL Lang REF.  !?!?!

Steve Thompson

ps. Sure hope it allows one to build concatenations... Gonna be a lot of
experimenting with this.

​Glad to be of service. I have never tried to allocate a concatenation
using the ASSIGN. But it is simple with BPXWDYN.​

I will have to look that up and see if I can make it work.

Steve Thompson

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