I haven’t tried this; it’s an off the cuff suggestion but anyways...
Maybe define an alias for IEFJFCBN in MACLIB and have your #OCEWA macro either 
invoke the alias name or generate the 176-byte area depending on the value in 
Respectfully Keven Hall


On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 3:50 AM -0600, "David Cole" <dbc...@colesoft.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I have a problem...

There's an IBM macro ("IEFJFCBN") that's called by another IBM macro 
("IECDSECT"), but I want to temporarily change IEFJFCBN such than 
when IECDSECT calls it, the changed IEFJFCBN only generates a buffer 
without also generating all the JFCBnnnn fields.

To do that I have written an envelop macro ("#OCEWA") for calling 
IECDSECT. But before calling IECDSECT, #OCEWA creates an inner macro 
definition for "IEFJFCBN" that generates the 176-byte buffer without 
also generating the JFCBnnnn fields. Then when IECDSECT invokes 
IEFJFCBN, it gets my copy instead of IBM's copy. So far, so good.

Normally, once created, inner macros survive the termination of their 
defining outer macros, and are available for the rest of the 
assembly. Normally, that's a good thing...

BUT... In this case, once I've invoked #OCEWA, I then want to discard 
the temporary IEFJFCBN such that subsequent invocations (outside of 
#OCEWA) get IBM's copy, not mine.

So Once my IEFJFCBN is no longer useful, I want to purge it. The 
problem is, I don't know how to do that.

Can anyone help me with this?

Dave Cole
ColeSoft Marketing
414 Third Street, NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902
EADDRESS:    dbc...@colesoft.com

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