Hi Dan,

I know Don Higgins is working on bringing z390 up-to-date regarding the current P-o-Ops

There are now only Don and I trying to keep z390 development going, you would be most welcome to join us

Although Java skills are needed most, I could use a buddy to oversee and test my Assembler development work for zVSAM V2

Melvyn Maltz.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Greiner" <dan_grei...@att.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 6:51 PM
Subject: z390 Macros for Newer Instructions

I continue to noodle around with z390 and regularly find myself missing support for newer instructions (z390.org indicates that the latest instructions supported are for the z10, circa 2008). Being a Java moron, updating the source to support newer ops was beyond my ken.

I finally got tired of coding various macros in support of newer instructions, so I gleaned a list of newer mnemonics from the "IBM z/Architecture Reference Summary" (SA22-7871-10) and extended mnemonics from the PoO (SA22-7832-12), and with a little calisthenics, converted them into 889 macros (there are a lot of extended vector mnemonics). You are welcome to examine the results at:


CAVEAT EMPTOR! Absolutely no warranty is implied or expressed! Got it? None! Zippo!! Zilch!!! The macros are simple minded, with no operand validation; so, if you code a general register higher than 15 or a vector register higher than 31, or if you omit an operand, bad things may happen. If you so happen to trip over an inaccurate result, a response posted to this message may (or may not) result in an update.

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