1) B's save area is the save area obtained by program B. While B is running, 
B's save area address is in register 13. Any program (or system service that 
requires it) that is called by B will use that save area to save the registers 
upon entry to that program, so that it can restore those registers before 
returning to B. Typically, the area obtained will also contain data areas that 
are used by B and addressed using R13. The first part of that storage is B's 
register save area.

2) B needs to save the address that was in register 13 at the time B was 
called. That is, the save area owned by the program that called B. When B is 
ready to return to its caller, it loads R13 with the value that it had when B 
was entered. Then it can restore the rest of the registers from the save area 
owned by the program that called B, the one that B used to save its caller's 

You will notice that the save area does not include a space to save register 
13. Instead, the newly obtained save area contains the address of the previous 
save area. For a standard save area (originally only called a "Save area") it 
is the second word of the save area. It is a requirement that each save area be 
chained to the higher level save area so that, as each program returns to its 
caller, it can find the previous save area. It is also recommended that each 
save area be chained to the next save area.

For the newer save area formats, the back chain pointer is at offset X'80', and 
it is a doubleword. In fact, a program cannot allocate its save area above the 
bar unless it knows that it will only call programs that will receive control 
in amode 64.

Since the second word of the newer save area formats is not needed for the back 
chain pointer, it seemed like a good idea for the called program to use that 
word to signify the format that it used to save its caller's registers. That 
information is generally not needed by the program when it restores its callers 
registers, but it is helpful to  someone who is looking at a dump. If the 
program has multiple entry points as Peter suggested, one that only uses a 
72-byte save area and one that uses a 144-byte save area, the program may need 
to use the information about how the registers were saves when it returns to 
its caller.

A program that uses the high halves of the registers, but is only passed a 
72-byte save area has to save the high halves somewhere, but they cannot be 
saved in the caller's save area. That's why F5SA and F8SA are defined. They 
provide space after the save area that will be used by the programs that it 
calls to save the high halves.

Yes, when a program is entered, it can see the value that is at offset 4 when 
it is entered, but that value does not contain information that is useful to 
it. The value at offset 4 does not describe the save area that contains it. It 
describes the format of the previous save area. For example, I can write a 
program that does not use the high half of any register, but that will call 
programs that require a 144-byte save area. I will then save my callers in 
standard, 72-byte format, allocate a 144-byte save area, and put the address of 
the caller's save area in offset 4.

Tom Marchant

On Tue, 25 Jan 2022 21:40:48 -0500, Tony Thigpen <t...@vse2pdf.com> wrote:

>Some issues that make this whole subject confusing.
>1) What is "B's save area"? Is it the the save area used by B when B
>receives control (was allocated by A), or is it the save area allocated
>by B and used by C when C receives control? (Defining 'used' by who uses
>the front part of the save area, such as by a STM  14,12,12(13).)
>[It sounds like the first possibility.]
>2) If reads as if a newly acquired save area is partially propagated by
>the program that acquired the save area and partially by the program
>that is called with R13 pointing to this newly acquired area. And that
>the allocater/caller is actually setting the word 1 literal, the back
>pointer, and maybe filling the end of the area with the high-halfs of
>the registers from when it received control. Yet, the front registers
>are left un-used and will be filled in by the next program to be called.
>If this is the case, then the next program being called will actually
>see the word 1 literal when it receives control. Am I understanding this
>Tony Thigpen

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