The copy book is assembler 
It tells me the name of the variable it’s length 
And it’s offset which would be it’s value 

I have one Simple question 

This url

Contains what I want to do it says how to write 
The program if the program is extensive 
You have to debug it 

The only way to get the Rexx environment 

Address tso
“Call ‘myloadlib(myprog) passenvb’
Passenvb populates register 0 with the address of the envblock

How would I debug this program

It tried test ‘mylosdlib(myprog)’ cp
And used ECTENVBK but now I am getting

A return code invalid language environment 

> On Jan 26, 2022, at 11:16 AM, Paul Gilmartin 
> <> wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2022, at 08:09:14, Joe Reichman wrote:
>> Thanks but that would never here at the IRS this place is highly sensitive 
>> to anything from the outside
> It's hard for these fora to help you if:
> o You can't show the failing code.
> o You can't accept working examples from outside.
> Must your solution involve Assembler?  Why not keep the data in a file,
> read it with Rexx and populate the variables with assignment statements
> or VALUE()?
> -- 
> gil

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