On 4/15/2022 1:49 AM, David Cole wrote:
Thanks for the correction, Ed. I didn't know that. -Dave

"If your product still supports z/OS 2.3 or less, you must dual-path CTX as well."

And this is precisely the reason CTX hasn't had the widespread adoption unrealistically expected by the hardware designers.

z/OS 2.3 goes out of support in September of this year. The "avalanche" of CTX usage should begin after that -- although many ISV products are still supporting z/OS 2.2 (we do with some products) and some perhaps even z/OS 2.1.

Using our (E)JES support roadmap as an example, we would not be able to take advantage of CTX without bifurcation until the release scheduled for GA in September 2024.

JES3plus, which is on a more aggressive support schedule that exactly matches IBM, would not be able to use CTX without bifurcation until the September 2023 release.

As I understand things, this roll-out delay is all because, even though z/OS 2.3 required z12 hardware, TX/CTX was not supported by z/VM until z/VM 6.4 and someone (I really do not know who ... but I can guess) decided z/OS 2.3 needed to support z/VM environments older than z/VM 6.4. Probably some *XTRA-LARG* customer had a conniption fit at the idea of upgrading their z/VMs to 6.4 or higher.

Had that z/VM 6.4 ALS been allowed for z./OS 2.3, PSI would have put out a CTX-enabled JES3plus release *LAST* September and (E)JES would follow suit *THIS* September!

I have no doubt we would have already by now seen numerous other CTX-enabled ISV and IBM products as well...

Phoenix Software International
Edward E. Jaffe
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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