Ref:  Your note of Wed, 20 Apr 2022 15:41:44 -0400

Dave Cole writes:
> Here is the snippet from an assembly listing...
>         93657+ENDCMDS  DS    0D,F
>         93658+DXDCMDS  DXD   (ENDCMDS+8-TFSCMDS)X
>   ** ASMA500W Requested alignment exceeds section alignment

Any case where the DXD has to be deferred (because it cannot be
resolved at the time it is processed during the first pass) will
trigger the problem.  If anything that might affect the location
counter could not be resolved immediately, such as an earlier
forward reference, then the address of ENDCMD would need to be
resolved by "interlude" processing after the first pass
completes, after which the DXD could be successfully resolved.

As the alignment of a DXD section is automatically determined by
its contents, I don't think that check should be able to fail.
(Even LQ in a DXD has a valid representation in object code
format, so we allow it).

We already know how to fix it, so when we receive the support
case we should be able to respond very rapidly.  (We could
obviously fix it without a support case, but it is easier to
give it higher priority when there is a support case).

Jonathan Scott, HLASM
IBM Hursley, UK

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