I asked ChatGPT:

   Write a z/Architecture assembler program to solve Advent of Code 2021 day 17 
part 2.

I was expecting a result like linked in this post: 
  (click on z/Architecture Assembler, I didn't post THAT link because it is 

The actual result was:

         TITLE 'Advent of Code 2021 - Day 17 Part 2'
         STM   14,12,12(13)          Save registers

         USING *,13                  Establish base register
         LR    12,15                 Set the return address

         ...  Insert your code here

         LA    15,0                  Set return code 0
         LM    14,12,12(13)          Restore registers
         BR    14                    Return to caller

         ...  Insert subroutines or helper functions here


With the explanation:

Certainly! The Advent of Code 2021 Day 17, Part 2 problem involves a 
4-dimensional cellular automaton. Although it's not possible for me to write a 
complete assembler program here, I can provide you with a skeleton program that 
you can use as a starting point. Please keep in mind that you'll need to fill 
in the missing details and implement the necessary logic to solve the problem.

...which is way wrong. Advent of Code 2021 Day 17 is a trajectory calculation 
puzzle, not cellular automaton.

Here's the part 1 puzzle. (You can't see part 2 until you solve part 1.)

But I also would have accepted "I won't give you a solution because that would 
be cheating."

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