As opposed to a signed integer?

For C, X'10000000' compares greater than x'80000000'.

For CL, the reverse is true (a bit-for-bit comparison).


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Assembler List [mailto:ASSEMBLER-LIST@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Phil Smith III
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: Shower thought

Jonathan Scott wrote:
>On trying to catch up with this thread I don't think I saw what
>I would have considered the most likely reason for the term

>I assumed the word "logical" refers to Boolean logical values
>(true and false, usually represented as 1 and 0) and hence to a
>bit string.  So logical comparisons simply treat the operand as
>a bit string.

Well, I thought I covered that with my first thought that it was a yes/no on
the comparison. But even beyond that, I don't think that it makes sense to
say that it treats it as a bit string-as opposed to what?

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