I tried completely turning logging off and it does not appear to be helping the situation. :( I'm seeing upwards of 9 seconds+ response time before ASSP provides the 220.

I'm going to leave logging off and immediately start working on moving to a mySQL backend with hopes that it will help. Really, it's the initial delay more than anything that is causing so much trouble for me.



Thomas Eckardt/eck wrote:

At this time there is a 'unsightly design' in ASSP 2, which can cause this delay on heavy load systems, if logging is expanded! The MainThread handles the initial connection requests and swap them in to the workers, but in addition to this 'work' the MainThread is doing the logging (STDOUT,maillog,syslog) for all Threads. So disable most of the logging options should help to solve this problem (connection log, session log, worker log). I hope I can change this!


ASSP 2 uses a totaly different way to access the lists and caches (whitelist,redlist,spamdb,spamdb.helo,delaydb,ldaplist,penaltybox). ASSP 1 uses orderedtie, which need less memory. ASSP 2 has to tie all lists and caches to all threads and for this reason all lists and caches are loaded in to memory! If you make a summary of the filesize of all lists and caches * 1.5 * (workernumber +3) you'll get the approximatly needed memory. We've made many test to find a better way to handle the memory. The best is to use a database for all lists and caches to reduce the memory. This will need some more memory for code, but much less memory for the data! For example: a windows system with 10 SMTP-workers on perl 5.8.8 build 822 and more than 100.000 connection requests a day and a replicated database needs between 400 and 450 MB RAM for ASSP and 70MB for the mysql daemon!

Be careful using the OCR-Plugin. The PDF-to-text option is no problem, but using ImageMagic and tesseract on large images, could cause in a 'system out of memory' error. All compressed images have to be decompressed by ImageMagic to process them with tesseract. But a 2MB compressed jpeg could be 30MB decompressed. Doing OCR with tesseract on such a large image will freeze your system. Use 'ASSP_OCRocrmaxsize' to prevent that!* *

monitoring ASSP:

Try to reduce the monitoring requests (for example nagios check on port 25 using telnet) to a minimum. Any connection request to ASSP cause a memory reservation insite ASSP for this new connection. So monitoring ASSP one time every second on port 25, cause 86.400 reservation requests a day!


*Maxwell Rathbone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
Gesendet von: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

20.08.2008 17:57
Bitte antworten an
ASSP development mailing list <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>

        ASSP development mailing list <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>
        [Assp-test] SMTP Timeout Problem


Long delay, or no answer at all when telnet'ing to port 25 (ASSP).
Performing a telnet to port 125 has the mail server answer immediately.

This is a very troublesome problem as it is not only causing our
monitoring system to go crazy, but it is causing customers to get upset
as they cannot connect to the mail server to send mail. It is worth
noting that the mail server itself is working great and answers to port
125 immediately. It is ASSP that is causing the delay.

At this point in time, the assp.pl process is utilizing 55.7% of the
systems total memory(2GB) and that appears to be rising the longer it is
running. This may be the cause of the delay, or possibly a symptom of
the greater problem.

Server Information:
OS & Perl Information:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] assp]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] assp]# rpm -qa | grep kernel-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] assp]# rpm -qa | grep perl-5

*snippet of log*
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got
connection request
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_2] info: Worker_2 is
interrupted to get new connection
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_2] Info: Worker_2 got
connection from MainThread
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed
by interrupted Worker_2
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got
connection request
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_4] Info: Worker_4 is
interrupted to get new connection
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_4] Info: Worker_4 got
connection from MainThread
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed
by interrupted Worker_4
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got
connection request
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_4] Info: Worker_4 is
interrupted to get new connection
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: 47560-04105 [Worker_5]
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] recipient delayed:
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: 47560-04105 [Worker_5] [SMTP Error]
451 4.7.1 Please try again later
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_5] [EMAIL PROTECTED] matches
@mdrg.com in LocalAddresses_Flat
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_4] Info: Worker_4 got
connection from MainThread
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed
by interrupted Worker_4
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: 47564-07162 [Worker_1]
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: 47564-07162 [Worker_1] [SMTP Error]
451 4.7.1 Please try again later
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got
connection request
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_2] Info: Worker_2 is
interrupted to get new connection
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_2] Info: Worker_2 got
connection from MainThread
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed
by interrupted Worker_2
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got
connection request
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: 47564-04711 [Worker_3]
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] recipient delayed:
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: 47564-04711 [Worker_3] [SMTP Error]
451 4.7.1 Please try again later
Aug 20 11:52:46 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_2] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
matches @mega-properties.com in LocalAddresses_Flat
Aug 20 11:52:47 mail assp[22178]: 47566-10548 [Worker_2]
recipient delayed: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aug 20 11:52:47 mail assp[22178]: 47566-10548 [Worker_2] [SMTP Error]
451 4.7.1 Please try again later
Aug 20 11:52:47 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_5] [EMAIL PROTECTED] matches
@mdrg.com in LocalAddresses_Flat
Aug 20 11:52:47 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_1] Info: Worker_1 is
interrupted to get new connection
Aug 20 11:52:47 mail assp[22178]: [Worker_1] Info: Worker_1 got
connection from MainThread
Aug 20 11:52:47 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed
by interrupted Worker_1
Aug 20 11:52:47 mail assp[22178]: [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got
connection request


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