I attempted to move my 15.06 install to 16.10 today. As with every 
attempt to move past 15.06 that I have tried, ASSP locked up solid 
within a minute.

In this case, I tried it twice. Both times, it locked up the perl 
process with no errors, nothing logged, 30 seconds after the process 
started. I tried it once as a service, and once from the console. 
When running from the console, it locked up the console window so 
that I had to manually terminate the console window process to get it 
back. ASSP starts up, and once started, begins to accept mail, but 
within 3-4 seconds, it locks up solid and stops accepting connections.

I went back to 15.06, and it worked fine (well, with the problems 
that still existed in 15.06, which is why I want to upgrade it).

I'd really like to get this working, but I can't seem to get it to 
run. Here is my log - this is the entire log, from startup to lockup.

Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] ASSP version 2.0.0(16.10) (Perl 
5.010000) (on MSWin32) initializing
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_AttachmentFullCheck
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] ASSP_AttachmentFullCheck: Plugin 
successful called!
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_AttachmentFullCheck 
version 1.03 loaded for runlevel 'complete mail'.
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_OCR
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] ASSP_OCR: can not find convert from 
ImageMagick in PATH!? No images wiil be processed!
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] ASSP_OCR: Plugin successful called for 
runlevel 'complete mail'!
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_OCR version 1.07 
loaded for runlevel 'complete mail'.
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] Info: try loading plugin ASSP_SkeletonTest
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] ASSP_SkeletonTest: Plugin successful called!
Mar-24-09 10:18:09 [startup] Info: plugin ASSP_SkeletonTest version 
1.06 loaded for runlevel 'mail header'.
Mar-24-09 10:18:10 [startup] Info: no valid recipient replacement rule found
Mar-24-09 10:18:10 [startup] Info: 10 BATV-secrets activated
Mar-24-09 10:18:10 [startup] Info: 10 MSGID-secrets activated
Mar-24-09 10:18:10 [startup] Info: an ASSP restart will be done with:
Mar-24-09 10:18:10 [startup] Saving config
Mar-24-09 10:18:10 [startup] Finished saving config
Mar-24-09 10:18:10 [startup] Reloading config
Mar-24-09 10:18:10 [startup] Info: central signalhandler - ABRT - 
BREAK - HUP - NUM19 - FPE - NUM12 - NUM16 - NUM18 - NUM17 - STOP - 
NUM24 - NUM10 - SEGV - QUIT - KILL - PIPE - NUM05 - CONT - NUM06 - 
NUM07 - ILL - ALRM - INT - TERM - CHLD - CLD - installed
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [startup] Starting as a service
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [startup] ASSP running on server: FrogMail (
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] At least ActivePerl 5.8.8 build 822 is 
needed for Windows - if not shure check this with "perl -v" on commandline
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Info: analysing windows system environment
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Info: windows system environment looks OK
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Threads modul 1.72 installed  - ActivePerl 
5.8.8 build 822 is needed for threads 1.69 - check this with "perl 
-v" on commandline
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Threads::shared modul 1.28 installed
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Thread::Queue modul 2.11 installed
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] IO::Poll modul 0.07 installed
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] IO::Select modul 1.17 installed
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] ASSP is using IOEngine - Poll
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Thread::State module version 0.09 installed 
and available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] File::Scan::ClamAV module version 1.8 
installed but not available, error: Cannot connect to unix socket 
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Net::LDAP module version 0.39 installed and available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Net::DNS module version 0.65 installed and available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Email::Valid module version 0.180 installed 
and available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Net::SMTP module version 2.31 installed and available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Mail::SPF::Query module version 1.999001 
installed and available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Mail::SPF module version 2.006 installed 
and available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Mail::SRS module version 0.31 installed - 
Sender Rewriting Scheme available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Compress::Zlib module version 2.015 
installed - HTTP compression available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Digest::MD5 module version 2.36_01 
installed - delaying can use MD5 keys for hashes
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Digest::SHA1 module version 2.11 installed 
- BATV and FBMTV check available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] File::ReadBackwards module version 1.04 
installed - searching of log files enabled
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Time::HiRes module version 1.9719 installed 
- CPU usage statistics available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Net::Syslog module version 0.03 installed - 
network Syslog logging enabled
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Win32::Daemon module version 20080324 
installed - can run as Win32 service
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Tie::RDBM module version 0.70 installed - 
database usage available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] BerkeleyDB module version 0.34 installed - 
Berkeley database usage available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Net::IP::Match::Regexp module version 1.01 
installed - CIDR notation for IP range available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Net::CIDR::Lite module version 0.20 
installed - hyphenated IP address range available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Net::SenderBase module version 1.01 
installed - Query the senderbase service available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] LWP::Simple module version 5.810 installed 
- procedural LWP interface available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Email::MIME::Modifier module version 1.443 
installed - MIME charset conversion interface and attachment 
detection available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] MIME::Types module version 1.27 installed - 
TNEF conversion may possible
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Email::Send module version 2.194 installed 
- sending .eml files available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Convert::TNEF module version 0.17 installed 
- TNEF conversion is available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Mail::DKIM::Verifier module version 0.32 
installed - DKIM verification is available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Schedule::Cron module version 0.97 
installed - RebuildSpamdb Scheduler is available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Sys::MemInfo module version 0.91 installed 
- memory calculation is available
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] IO::Socket::SSL module version 1.22 
installed - https and TLS/SSL is possible
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Info: openssl is not installed on this 
system - unable to create basic certificates
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Warning: server certificate 
c:/ASSP/certs/server-cert.pem not found
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Warning: server public-key 
c:/ASSP/certs/server-key.pem not found
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Warning: https and TLS/SSL is disabled
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Listening for SMTP connections on 25
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Listening for admin HTTP connections on 50505
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Listening for stat HTTP connections on 55553
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Listening for additional SMTP connections on 125
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Listening for SMTP relay connections on
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Info: Whitelist loaded from 
C:/ASSP/databases/whitelist with 16588 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Info: Redlist loaded from 
C:/ASSP/databases/redlist with 0 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Info: Delay loaded from 
C:/ASSP/databases/delaydb with 0 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Info: DelayWhite loaded from 
C:/ASSP/databases/delaydb.white with 0 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:11 [init] Info: PBWhite loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.white.db with 2566 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:12 [init] Info: PBBlack loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.black.db with 26299 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:12 [init] Info: RBLCache loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.rbl.db with 22586 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:12 [init] Info: URIBLCache loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.uribl.db with 3105 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:12 [init] Info: PTRCache loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.ptr.db with 25801 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:12 [init] Info: MXACache loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.mxa.db with 22915 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:12 [init] Info: RWLCache loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.rwl.db with 0 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:13 [init] Info: SPFCache loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.spf.db with 23236 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:13 [init] Info: SBCache loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.sb.db with 26120 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:13 [init] Info: PBTrap loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.trap.db with 7354 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:13 [init] Info: DKIMCache loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.dkim.db with 6649 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:13 [init] Info: BATVTag loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.batv.db with 0 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:13 [init] Info: BackDNS loaded from 
C:/ASSP/pb/pbdb.back.db with 621 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:17 [init] Info: Spamdb loaded from 
C:/ASSP/databases/spamdb with 338955 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:17 [init] Info: HeloBlack loaded from 
C:/ASSP/databases/spamdb.helo with 23 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:17 [init] Info: LDAPlist loaded from 
C:/ASSP/databases/ldaplist with 0 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:17 [init] Starting threads with ThreadCycleTime set 
to 3000 microseconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:17 [init] Starting maintenance worker thread [10000]
Mar-24-09 10:18:18 [Worker_10000] Worker_10000 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:18 [Worker_10000] Info: saving Stats in file asspstats.sav
Mar-24-09 10:18:18 [Worker_10000] Updating Droplist via direct HTTP connection
Mar-24-09 10:18:18 [init] Starting rebuild SpamDB worker thread [10001]
Mar-24-09 10:18:19 [init] Starting communication worker threads [1 to 15]
Mar-24-09 10:18:19 [Worker_10000] Droplist Update complete
Mar-24-09 10:18:20 [Worker_10001] Worker_10001 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:21 [Worker_1] Worker_1 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:21 [Worker_1] Worker_1 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:21 [Worker_2] Worker_2 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:21 [Worker_2] Worker_2 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:22 [Worker_3] Worker_3 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:22 [Worker_3] Worker_3 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:23 [Worker_5] Worker_5 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:23 [Worker_5] Worker_5 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:24 [Worker_4] Worker_4 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:24 [Worker_4] Worker_4 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:25 [Worker_10001] Info: starting RebuildSpamdb 
Scheduler with '30 0 * * *'
Mar-24-09 10:18:26 [Worker_7] Worker_7 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:26 [Worker_7] Worker_7 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:26 [Worker_6] Worker_6 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:26 [Worker_6] Worker_6 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:28 [Worker_8] Worker_8 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:28 [Worker_8] Worker_8 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:61 [Worker_9] Worker_9 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:61 [Worker_9] Worker_9 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:31 [Worker_11] Worker_11 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:31 [Worker_11] Worker_11 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:31 [Worker_10] Worker_10 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:31 [Worker_10] Worker_10 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:32 [Worker_13] Worker_13 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:32 [Worker_13] Worker_13 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:32 [Worker_12] Worker_12 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:32 [Worker_12] Worker_12 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:33 [Worker_15] Worker_15 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:33 [Worker_15] Worker_15 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:33 [Worker_14] Worker_14 started
Mar-24-09 10:18:33 [Worker_14] Worker_14 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [init] All Threads are started
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [init] Info: CPU priority changed for Worker_10000 
from 0 to 2
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [init] Info: CPU priority changed for Worker_10001 
from 0 to 2
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [init] Info: adminusersdb 
(C:/ASSP/databases/adminusers) - loaded
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [init] Info: adminusersdb 
(C:/ASSP/databases/adminusers.right) - loaded
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [init] Starting PID: 2056
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] MainThread started
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Saving config
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Finished saving config
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Option list file 
'C:/ASSP/files/droplist.txt' reloaded (droplist) with 157 records
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_11] Worker_11 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_7] Worker_7 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_2] Worker_2 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_6] Worker_6 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_14] Worker_14 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] Worker_4 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_12] Worker_12 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_8] Worker_8 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_10] Worker_10 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] Worker_5 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_13] Worker_13 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_3] Worker_3 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_15] Worker_15 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_9] Worker_9 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_1] Worker_1 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_11] Worker_11 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_11] Worker_11 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_8] Worker_8 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_8] Worker_8 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_12] Info: Worker_12 is interrupted to get 
new connection
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_15] Worker_15 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_15] Worker_15 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_12] Info: Worker_12 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_9] Worker_9 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_9] Worker_9 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_12 in 0.083 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_12] Connected: -> -> , 10-11
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] Worker_4 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] Worker_4 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_8] Worker_8 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_8] Info: Worker_8 got connection from 
MainThread - 7/7
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_13] Worker_13 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_13] Worker_13 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_8] Connected: -> -> , 12-13
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_8 in 0.028 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_6] Worker_6 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_6] Worker_6 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_2] Worker_2 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_2] Worker_2 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_1] Worker_1 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_1] Worker_1 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_2] Worker_2 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_2] Info: Worker_2 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_2 in 0.034 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_10] Worker_10 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_10] Worker_10 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_2] Connected: -> -> , 14-15
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_3] Worker_3 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_3] Worker_3 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_1] Worker_1 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_1] Info: Worker_1 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] Worker_5 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] Worker_5 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_1 in 0.028 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_1] Connected: -> -> , 16-17
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_7] Worker_7 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_7] Worker_7 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_14] Worker_14 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_14] Worker_14 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_3] Worker_3 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_3] Info: Worker_3 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_3] Connected: -> -> , 18-19
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_12] Worker_12 finished reloading configuration
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_3 in 0.031 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] Worker_4 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] Info: Worker_4 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_4 in 0.029 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] Connected: -> -> , 20-21
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] Worker_5 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] info: no (more) data 
readable from - last command was 'n/a'
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] Info: Worker_5 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] Disconnected:  - command 
list was 'n/a' - used 1 SocketCalls
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_4] Worker_4 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] Connected: -> -> , 22-20
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_5 in 0.031 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] info: no (more) data 
readable from - Unknown error - last command was 'n/a'
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] Disconnected:  - command 
list was 'n/a' - used 1 SocketCalls
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Worker_5] Worker_5 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:35 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] Worker_4 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] Info: Worker_4 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] Connected: -> -> , 20-21
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_4 in 0.028 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] info: no (more) data 
readable from - last command was 'n/a'
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_5] Worker_5 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_5] Info: Worker_5 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] Disconnected:  - command 
list was 'n/a' - used 1 SocketCalls
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] Worker_4 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_5 in 0.031 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_5] Connected: -> -> , 20-21
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] Worker_4 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] Info: Worker_4 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_4 in 0.029 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_4] Connected: -> -> , 22-23
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_6] Worker_6 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_6] Info: Worker_6 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_6] Connected: -> -> , 24-25
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_6 in 0.031 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_7] Worker_7 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_7] Info: Worker_7 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_7] Connected: -> -> , 26-27
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_7 in 0.031 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_2] authenticated
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_8] authenticated
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 [Worker_12] authenticated
Mar-24-09 10:18:36 FS-04316-06369 [Worker_7] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04316-07733 [Worker_2] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04316-03694 [Worker_8] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 [Worker_1] authenticated
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04316-06369 [Worker_7] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com DKIM-signature found
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04316-01091 [Worker_12] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 [Worker_9] Worker_9 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 [Worker_9] Info: Worker_9 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_9 in 0.040 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 [Worker_9] Connected: -> -> , 29-30
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-05696 [Worker_5] [InvalidHELO] <em...@address.com> [scoring] (check invalid HELO: 
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-05696 [Worker_5] 
<em...@address.com> Message-Score: total for this message is 10, 
added 10 for check invalid HELO: 'hollings-fe8ae7'
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-05696 [Worker_5] [SpoofedSender] <em...@address.com> [scoring] (No Spoofing Allowed 
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-05696 [Worker_5] 
<em...@address.com> Message-Score: total for this message is 30, 
added 20 for No Spoofing Allowed 'em...@address.com'
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-05696 [Worker_5] 
<em...@address.com> Message-Score: total for this message is 50, 
added 20 for No Spoofing Allowed 'em...@address.com'
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-05696 [Worker_5] [InvalidLocalSender] <em...@address.com> [spam found] Unknown Sender in Local Domain
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 [Worker_5] Disconnected:  - command 
list was 'HELO,MAIL FROM' - used 2 SocketCalls
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 [Worker_5] Worker_5 will sleep now
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-14891 [Worker_6] [SpoofedSender] <em...@address.com> [scoring] (No Spoofing Allowed 
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-14891 [Worker_6] 
<em...@address.com> Message-Score: total for this message is 20, 
added 20 for No Spoofing Allowed 'em...@address.com'
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04316-01091 [Worker_12] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-11732 [Worker_3] 
<em...@address.com> Message-Score: total for this message is 5, added 
5 for Suspicious HELO - contains IP: '82-77-43-162.static.brasov.rdsnet.ro'
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04317-11732 [Worker_3] 
<em...@address.com> [scoring] (Suspicious HELO - contains IP: 
Mar-24-09 10:18:37 FS-04316-03694 [Worker_8] [Local] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com local (attachments 
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04317-09330 [Worker_1] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04318-07173 [Worker_9] [InvalidHELO] <em...@address.com> [scoring] (check invalid HELO: 'NWNYQTYDD')
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04318-07173 [Worker_9] 
<em...@address.com> Message-Score: total for this message is 10, 
added 10 for check invalid HELO: 'NWNYQTYDD'
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04317-14891 [Worker_6] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04316-01091 [Worker_12] [Local] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com local (attachments 
unchecked) [RE SPAM Vet Vests Approved] -> C:/ASSP/notspam/1091.eml
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Worker_8] ASSP_OCR: can not find convert from 
ImageMagick in PATH!? No images wiil be processed!
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04316-03694 [Worker_8] [MessageOK] <em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com message ok 
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Worker_15] Worker_15 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Worker_15] Info: Worker_15 got connection from 
MainThread - 8/8
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Worker_15] Connected: -> -> , 21-28
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_15 in 0.021 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04316-06369 [Worker_7] [SPF] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com [scoring] SPF: none (cache) 
ip= mailfrom=em...@address.com helo=smtp120.rog.mail.re2.yahoo.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04316-06369 [Worker_7] [preDKIM] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com [scoring] DKIM domain-check 
OK (Cache)
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04318-07173 [Worker_9] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Worker_12] ASSP_OCR: can not find convert from 
ImageMagick in PATH!? No images wiil be processed!
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04316-01091 [Worker_12] [MessageOK] <em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com message ok 
[RE SPAM Vet Vests Approved] -> C:/ASSP/notspam/1091.eml
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 FS-04317-11732 [Worker_3] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Worker_14] Worker_14 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Worker_14] Info: Worker_14 got connection from 
MainThread - 8/8
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_14 in 0.026 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:38 [Worker_14] Connected: -> -> , 20-31
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 FS-04318-03406 [Worker_15] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com recipient accepted: em...@address.com
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread got connection request
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 [Worker_5] Worker_5 wakes up
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 [Worker_5] Info: Worker_5 got connection from 
MainThread - 3/3
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 [Main_Thread] Info: Main_Thread freed by idle 
Worker_5 in 0.017 seconds
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 [Worker_5] Connected: -> -> , 32-33
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 FS-04316-06369 [Worker_7] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com Bayesian Check scoring - 
Prob: 0.99995 => spam
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 FS-04316-06369 [Worker_7] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com Message-Score: total for 
this message is 39, added 39 for Bayesian Probability: 1.0000
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 FS-04316-06369 [Worker_7] [PenaltyBox] <em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com [monitoring] 
totalscore for is 54, last penalty was 'Bayesian'
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 FS-04318-07173 [Worker_9] [MsgID] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com [scoring] (Message-ID 
suspicious: '<000d01c9ac8a$5b339020$6400a...@bennyju92>')
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 FS-04318-07173 [Worker_9] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com Message-Score: total for 
this message is 20, added 10 for Message-ID suspicious: 
Mar-24-09 10:18:39 FS-04318-07173 [Worker_9] 
<em...@address.com> to: em...@address.com Message-Score: total for 
this message is 25, added 5 for 58.145.72 in griplist > 0,9
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