> I run Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with perl v5.14.2

Is your Ubuntu i386 or amd64?


> The only thing I haven't done in the last few months is update perl 
> modules which I have just done through CPAN.

> All the best,
> Colin Waring.

> On 21/09/2012 08:44, Michael M Galapchuk wrote:
>> Hi Colin,
>> what are your versions of Perl and OS?
>> Because I have the same problem under FreeBSD 8.x - 9.x amd64,
>> for any Perl 5.10, 5.12.4, 5.14.2.
>> Mike.
>>> I recall that this setting changed recently, but since then I have been
>>> having ASSP crash on me and each time it seems to be due to 2 similar
>>> connections being handled by two workers at the same time.
>>> I have the following in lib/CorrectASSPCfg.pm
>>>       $main::delaySameIPorHelo = 5;
>>>       &main::mlog(0,"info: delaySameIPorHelo set to 5");
>>>       $main::delaySameIP = 5;
>>>       &main::mlog(0,"info: delaySameIP set to 5");
>>> Which one should I remove as I can't remember which is the old one?
>>> Would having both in lead to the fix being negated or is something not
>>> working as it should?
>>> All the best,
>>> Colin Waring.

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