One solution is to enable the client certificate for the Office365 sending 
connector and to validate this client certificate for authentication in 
assp using:

a separate SSL relayPort listener for these connections and to configure

SSLSMTPCertVerifyCB - (read SSLWEBCertVerifyCB)
SSLSMTPConfigure - (read SSLWEBConfigure)

eg. the same way you would configure a direct connection from Office365 to 
a local Exchange server.
I'm not sure, if this will work with selfsigned certificates - possibly 
you'll need to buy the client authentication cert, if Office365 does not 
accept a selfsigned client certificate..
The client cert is only used for authentication - for the SSL/TLS traffic 
the assp server cert is used!

A second solution  (the one I prever)  would be to send the outgoing 
Office365 mails directly to your local Exchange by configuring both sites 
for SSL only (with SSL-client-cert-auth) - MS has nice manuals for those 
connections. The Exchange server (eg. in hybrid mode) then sends the 
outgoing mails the same way like for your local users (with 

Both methodes are very secure because of the 

Another (still not implemented in assp) possible solution would be to 
analyze the header lines and to verify (in addition to the connected IP 
and the sender address) the 'X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id:' header line. 
This header line contains the Office365 tenant unique identifier.
The identifier for privat (not company related) addresses is 
for example : X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 
84df9e7f-e9f6-40af-b435-aaaaaaaaaaaa (more than 99% seen in spam)
The problem here is, that assp needs to receive the MIME-header first 
before a relay allowed connection can be detected. At this point in time 
assp is unable to switch over to the relayHost and the internal MTA (your 
exchange) will have to route the mail.

I don't see a secure solution, if you don't use a hosted organization at 
Office365 - and - (if used) privat Office365 accounts are not able to 
configure a smarthost using a client certificate.


Von:    "K Post" <>
An:     "ASSP development mailing list" <>
Datum:  28.07.2021 18:00
Betreff:        [Assp-test] ASSP with Office365 - discussion

Hello everyone,

One department with their own subdomain at our charity is going to be 
moving to Office365 for email.  I want to be able to keep ASSP in use for 
this handful of users, but could use some guidance from the community 

My plan is:

1) Inbound mail to will still have their MX record as 
our internal server.  
1a) The internal SMTP server will then forward mail to users @  to <whateveruser> which 
will be set up as an alternate address for each user at Office365.   that 
forward subdomain will have MX records pointing to office365.  
I think we're okay there.

2) Outbound mail from Office365 will use a smarthost to connect to ASSP so 
that outbound mail can be added to the corpus, whitelist and other lists 
updated, etc.

My issue is with relaying. I do not want to allow all of Microsoft's 
Office365 IP space (into allowRelayCon) as allowed relay hosts because the 
huge IP space that they use to send messages out is not exclusively used 
by me.  That means that any other Office365 user could set up an Exchange 
connector to send messages through our ASSP.  

Authentication would solve that issue, but apparently, Office365 does NOT 
allow SMTP AUTH for outgoing smarthost. 

I've got to believe that I'm not the only one out there who has run into 
this problem before.  Any ideas would be incredibly appreciated!!


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