Why wouldn't users just whitelist the addresses in question?

Vadim Shalenkov wrote:
> Feature suggestion
> It is related to WhiteRe and to be placed into Whitelisting section of
> GUI.
> Depends on their work function recipients may receive emails with
> different content.
> To help reduce false positives I would create a list of recipients with
> matching list of Ham keywords. For example:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: payroll, invoice, balance;
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: order, tracking number, return, exchange;
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: promotion, sponsorship, media, information;
> etc...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I believe this can be done within WhiteRe by checking header for To:
> <email address> and keywords in the subject line and/or email body, but
> I'm failed doing this because of luck of experience. So I suggest to
> hide regex from user and just give him ability to edit simple file in
> the format above or similar. As an option, regex should match all listed
> words (more confidence) or any of the words (less confidence).
> Thank you,
> Vadim
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