I looked at Roland's work on Docbook/XML. AFAIK it has reached
prototype stage, but there is an issue with the man pages:
If we maintain all man pages as Docbook, how do we get the nroff pages
for those /usr/bin/man implementations which do not support
Docbook/XML? The common solution would be to use xsltproc and the
Docbook XSLT style sheets (XML transformation language programs which
transform XML into some thing else, like nroff in this example), but
can we assume that xsltproc and the style sheets are installed? If
not, do we have to put xsltproc and the style sheets into ast-open?

      ,   _                                    _   ,
     { \/`o;====-    Olga Kryzhanovska   -====;o`\/ }
.----'-/`-/     olga.kryzhanov...@gmail.com   \-`\-'----.
 `'-..-| /       http://twitter.com/fleyta     \ |-..-'`
      /\/\     Solaris/BSD//C/C++ programmer   /\/\
      `--`                                      `--`
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