On 22 October 2012 18:12, Roland Mainz <roland.ma...@nrubsig.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 6:14 AM, Glenn Fowler <g...@research.att.com> wrote:
> [snip]
>> ah but you may have been thinking getconf function and not getconf command
>> in that case doing it with the getconf function is probably the way to go
> 1. Erm... I think you were right that locale(1) would be a "better"
> place... but this would mean to create yet-another-builtin. Question
> is... would you be OK with another one... this time to "intercept"
> /usr/bin/locale and add new options to return valid values for
> |wctype()| and |wctrans()| ?
> 2. Below is some prototype code to do the enumeration... does it
> (generally) look OK for use in a locale(1) (or getconf(1)) ?
> -- snip --
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdbool.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <wctype.h>
> #include <locale.h>
> const char *character_classes[] =
> {
>         /* these are the classes mandated by POSIX */
>         "alnum",
>         "alpha",
>         "blank",
>         "cntrl",
>         "digit",
>         "graph",
>         "lower",
>         "print",
>         "punct",
>         "space",
>         "upper",
>         "xdigit",
>         /*
>          * these are the classes sampled from various locales on
>          * Solaris, FreeBSD and Apple OSX
>          */
>         "english",
>         "gb",
>         "ideogram",
>         "jalpha",
>         "jdigit",
>         "jgen",
>         "jgreek",
>         "jhankana",
>         "jhira",
>         "jisx0201r",
>         "jisx0208",
>         "jisx0212",
>         "jkanji",
>         "jkata",
>         "jparen",
>         "jpunct",
>         "jrussian",
>         "jsci",
>         "jspecial",
>         "junit",
>         "line",
>         "number",
>         "phonogram",
>         "special",
>         "wchar0",
>         "wchar1",
>         "wchar2",
>         "wchar3",
>         "wchar4",
>         "wchar5",
>         "wchar6",
>         "wchar7",
>         "wchar8",
>         "wchar9",
>         "wchar10",
>         "wchar11",
>         "wchar12",
>         "wchar13",
>         "wchar14",
>         "wchar15",
>         "wchar16",
>         "wchar17",
>         "wchar18",
>         "wchar19",
>         "wchar20",
>         "wchar21",
>         "wchar22",
>         "wchar23",
>         "wchar24",
> };
> const char *wc_transformations[]={
>         "tolower",
>         "toupper",
>         "toascii",
>         "tojhira",
>         "tojisx0201",
>         "tojisx0208",
>         "tojkata",
>         "totitle",
> };
> #define elementsof(x)    (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
> static
> const char *get_list_of_supported_wctypes(void)
> {
>         int             i;
>         bool            matched[elementsof(character_classes)+1];
>         size_t          size = 0UL;
>         const char      *cl;
>         char            *s, *p;
>         char            buff[128];
>         for (i=0 ; i < elementsof(character_classes) ; i++)
>         {
>                 cl=character_classes[i];
>                 /*
>                  * Some old Unixes like old Solaris have some classes
>                  * _accidently_ prefixed with "is" (this happens on
>                  * other Unixes, too - because the matching data
>                  * have been both written by the same contractors
>                  * and/or cross-licensed between different
>                  * companies).
>                  * We work-around the issue here by testing both
>                  * the plain and intended name.
>                  */
>                 buff[0]='i';
>                 buff[1]='s';
>                 strcpy(&buff[2], cl);
>                 if (wctype(cl) || wctype(buff))
>                 {
>                         size+=strlen(cl)+2;
>                         matched[i]=true;
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                         matched[i]=false;
>                 }
>         }
>         s=p=malloc(size+1);
>         if (!s)
>         {
>                 perror("malloc() failed.");
>                 return (NULL);
>         }
>         for (i=0 ; i < elementsof(character_classes) ; i++)
>         {
>                 if (matched[i])
>                 {
>                         p=stpcpy(p, character_classes[i]);
>                         *p=' ';
>                         *++p='\0';
>                 }
>         }
>         if (*--p==' ')
>                 *p='\0';
>         return (s);
> }
> static
> const char *get_list_of_supported_wctransformations(void)
> {
>         int             i;
>         bool            matched[elementsof(wc_transformations)+1];
>         size_t          size = 0UL;
>         const char      *tr;
>         char            *s, *p;
>         for (i=0 ; i < elementsof(wc_transformations) ; i++)
>         {
>                 tr=wc_transformations[i];
>                 if (wctrans(tr))
>                 {
>                         size+=strlen(tr)+2;
>                         matched[i]=true;
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                         matched[i]=false;
>                 }
>         }
>         s=p=malloc(size+1);
>         if (!s)
>         {
>                 perror("malloc() failed.");
>                 return (NULL);
>         }
>         for (i=0 ; i < elementsof(wc_transformations) ; i++)
>         {
>                 if (matched[i])
>                 {
>                         p=stpcpy(p, wc_transformations[i]);
>                         *p=' ';
>                         *++p='\0';
>                 }
>         }
>         if (*--p==' ')
>                 *p='\0';
>         return (s);
> }
> int main(int ac, char *av[])
> {
>         setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
>         printf("Supported values for wctrans() are: |%s|\n",
>                 get_list_of_supported_wctransformations());
>         return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
> }
> -- snip --
> ----
> Bye,
> Roland

Roland, thanks for the test code.

There are two more wctrans() classes you didn't list:
1. to_outpunct: This is a map from ASCII decimal point and
thousands-sep to their equivalent in locale. This is defined for
locales which use extra decimal point and thousands-sep.
(LC_ALL=fa_IR ~/bin/ksh -c 'typeset -M to_outpunct x ; x="." ; print "|$x|"')
(LC_ALL=fa_IR ~/bin/ksh -c 'typeset -M to_outpunct x ; x="," ; print "|$x|"')

2. to_inpunct: This is a map from ASCII digits to their equivalent in
locale. This is defined for locales which use an extra digit set.
(LC_ALL=fa_IR ~/bin/ksh -c 'typeset -M to_inpunct x ; x="." ; print "|$x|"')
(LC_ALL=fa_IR ~/bin/ksh -c 'typeset -M to_inpunct x ; x="," ; print "|$x|"')

Example application: Map ascii numbers to their Arabic counterparts:
(LC_ALL=fa_IR ~/bin/ksh -c 'typeset -M to_inpunct m ; for ((i=1 ; i <
16384 ; i++ )) ; do p="$(printf "\u[$(printf "%x" i)]")" ; m="$p" ; [[
"$p" == "$m" ]] || printf "%q != %q, %d\n" "$p" "$m" i ; done')
, != $'\u[66c]', 44
. != $'\u[66b]', 46
0 != ۰, 48
1 != ۱, 49
2 != ۲, 50
3 != ۳, 51
4 != ۴, 52
5 != ۵, 53
6 != ۶, 54
7 != ۷, 55
8 != ۸, 56
9 != ۹, 57

Cedric Blancher <cedric.blanc...@googlemail.com>
Institute Pasteur
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