On Tue, Oct 07, 2014 at 09:27:17PM -0400, David Korn wrote:
> A new beta version of the AST Toolkit and ksh93 have posted on the AT&T
> website, http://www.research.att.com/sw/download.  Click on the word beta
> on the left side of this download page.
> There are many significant new features for ksh93 in the last six months as
> well as many bug fixes.  Here are some of the new features.  The RELEASE
> file
> in the ksh93 source directory has a log of all the changes.  Here are some
> of the highlights.
> 1.  Bash style programmable command completion.
> 2.  A bash compatibility mode which runs many more bash scripts without
>     change.  When in this mode, the shell uses dynamic scoping for functions
>     and function name, and name() are equivalent.
> 3.  The read command can read json format files to create a ksh93 compound
>     variable with the read -m json.  It is already able to write ksh93
>     compound variables in json format.
> 4.  The jobs command how displays the directory in which the command was
>     started if it is not the current directory.  This is a bash feature that
>     I found useful.
> 5.  The expansion ${$variable} to get the value of the variable named by
>     variable.
> 6.  Several options have been added to commands to aide in Bash
> compatibility.

This version still uses malloc() within signal handler which is evil.
I see still random hanging build processes and all of them show the
same problem:  malloc() within a signal handler[1].  Beside this: it
is not possible to use the glibc malloc().

IMHO there have to an other way to get the siginfo_t informations from the
signal handler down to the normal ksh process flow.


[1] http://linux.die.net/man/3/sigaction

  "Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having
          a peeing section in a swimming pool." -- Edward Burr

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