Oops! correction: 

On my most-recent post, I gave the wrong ksh version in the first sentence of 
my message. 

Instead of 
Also, on a Linux host that has ksh 93u+ 2012-08-01 and ... 
I should have written: 
Also, on a Linux host that has 93t+ 2010-06-21 and ... 

----- Original Message -----

From: "dan rickhoff" <dan.rickh...@comcast.net> 
To: ast-users@lists.research.att.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 11:57:15 AM 
Subject: Fwd: [ast-users] After upgrading ksh, the second backlash in 
“${myVar/\</\>}" is no longer considered as an "escape" character. 

Continued ... 

Also, on a Linux host that has ksh 93u+ 2012-08-01 and was not upgraded, here 
is a cooked-up example of code that works as expected: 

$ x='Occurrences of the token "APOLLO_SERVER" in the "common.properties" files 
and other "*.properties" files for "15I" "BCOM"' 
$ y="${x//\"*([!\"])\"/\"A-${.sh.match[1]}-Z\"}" 
$ print -r "$y" 
Occurrences of the token "A-APOLLO_SERVER-Z" in the "A-common.properties-Z" 
files and other "A-*.properties-Z" files for "A-15I-Z" "A-BCOM-Z" 

However, on the Linux host that was upgraded to 93u+ 2012-08-01, the result of 
my first execution of the above code is: 

Occurrences of the token "A--Z" in the "A--Z" files and other "A--Z" files for 
"A--Z" "A--Z" 

If I run the code a second time, I get a slightly different, but still 
incorrect result: 

Occurrences of the token "A-APOLLO_SERVER-Z" in the "A-APOLLO_SERVER-Z" files 

Please help. 
----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Dan Rickhoff" <dan.rickh...@comcast.net> 
To: ast-users@lists.research.att.com 
Sent: Sunday, September 6, 2015 8:49:56 AM 
Subject: [ast-users] After upgrading ksh, the second backlash in 
“${myVar/\</\>}" is no longer considered as an "escape" character. 

AST Users, 

After upgrading ksh, the second backlash in “${myVar/\</\>}" is no longer 
considered as an "escape" character. 

At my request, our Sys Admin upgraded ksh on one of our Linux servers. In the 
code example below, I escaped the "<“ and “>” characters, as I have in other 
code that has worked for years. Now, the output of the example statement 
includes an unexpected “\” character. Is the new behavior wrong? Or have I 
always been doing the wrong thing by escaping (in this example) the “>” 
character? If escaping special characters in the “change-to” part was 
incorrect, why has my other code that escapes special characters in the 
“change-to” part never before printed out those “\” characters? 

#-- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago) 
#-- ksh version sh (AT&T Research) 93u+ 2012-08-01 
#— "rpm -qa" reports: ksh-20120801-21.el6_6.2.x86_64 
#— ksh version sh (AT&T Research) 93t+ 2010-06-21 
#— "rpm -qa" reports: ksh-20100621-19.el6_4.4.x86_64 
$ myVar=“x<y" 
$ print “${myVar/\</\>}" 
#— Previously, the printed value would have been: x>y 

Dan Rickhoff 
ast-users mailing list 

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