On 03/14/2018 04:06 AM, Siteshwar Vashisht wrote:

>> From: "Xose Vazquez Perez" <xose.vazq...@gmail.com>
>> [...]
>> +### Mailing lists
>> +Mailman is reachable through e-mail commands to:
>> +<ast-developers-requ...@lists.research.att.com>
>> +<ast-users-requ...@lists.research.att.com>
>> +Send "help" in the subject line or in the body of the
>> +message for more info, or for detailed instructions go to:
>> +http://www.list.org/mailman-member/node41.html
>> +http://www.list.org/mailman-member/node42.html
> It's still not possible to subscribe to these lists.

Through the web interface, because http://lists.research.att.com
is unreachable from internet.

> Mailman responds to queries however the confirmation
> link redirects to http://web-stage.research.att.com/error.htm
But commands to <xxxx-requ...@lists.research.att.com are still

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Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
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    confirm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in the
right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).
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