Hello All

About six months ago I wrote to announce the release of my Perl module
to manage Asterisk configuration in LDAP.  I wanted to take a moment and
send this follow-up to announce a newly updated version of
Asterisk::LDAP, version 0.6.0.

This new release is a significant improvement over the 0.5 series.
Here's a quick summary of the new features:

* Serial Numbers:  Contexts are now written with a serial number and are
not updated unless the serial number is incremented. This allows for
granular and guaranteed consistent updates. Because LDAP updates are
atomic the administrator or any external dialplan manager needs only to
update the serial number after making any changes to the dialplan to
guarantee the new dialplan will be loaded in its entirety.

* API Simplicity:  As mentioned above, the API has been dramatically
cleaned up.  Where before a number of calls were required to set up
Asterisk::LDAP before getting any useful data out, only one call is
required and three more optional calls can help the developer automate
much of the configuration of the module. Also the internal data
structures are made available to external programs at more points during
the configuration generation so any kind of hooks or post-processing can
be done more easily.

* New Output Formats:  The developer may now choose to have
Asterisk::LDAP simply read the information from LDAP or have it write
the contents to a set of files. Future improvements may include support
for returning a string containing the entire data output instead of
files written to disk.

To find out more about this project or to download the new release
please visit the pages at http://projects.alkaloid.net.

Thanks again,

Alkaloid Networks

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