
Thanks Joshua for your replay.

I tried to apply this patch here https://github.com/traud/asterisk-amr to 
asterisk 16. It's working fine for me after a few small changes to get the 
patches applied. For convenience,
I built one single patch file (I attached it), which can be applied with

patch -p1 amr-asterisk-16.12.patch

to asterisk 16.12.

To get it compile and working, you need (for CentOS 7) the following additional 
RPM packages:

vo-amrwbenc-devel-0.1.3-1.el7.x86_64 (only for compile)

opencore-amr-devel-0.1.5-6.el7.x86_64.rpm (only for compile)

You can find them here: https://centos.pkgs.org/7/rpmfusion-free-updates-x86_64/

Additionally, you have to follow the build instructions given on 
https://github.com/traud/asterisk-amr , especially you have to run


before ./configure

of asterisk. As I'm building my asterisk binary on base of a self maintained 
Schmooze spec file, I can say, that it is not necessary to run this command 
with the option
--enable-category MENUSELECT_CORE_SOUNDS - Schmooze uses the opposite:

./menuselect/menuselect --disable-category MENUSELECT_CORE_SOUNDS

How to proof build success?
You should get after compile 2 new modules in /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules:


After restarting of asterisk, you can check with "core show codecs audio", if 
those 2 codecs are displayed:

1 audio amr          amr              (AMR)
2 audio amrwb        amrwb            (AMR-WB)

Further more, you can check, if transcoding basically works with "core show 
translation". If you can find amr and amrwb in the output, transcoding is 
expected to work.

How to test it in the wild?
With Deutsche Telekom e.g, there are mobile calls using amr codec (if you 
accept it). You can see it in the SDP of the INVITE. After enabling it for the 
trunk, Telekom will use it,
especially on outgoing calls (from what I've seen here).

You can check it for an active call in the asterisk CLI, too:
pjsip show channelstats

The final question: Is there a must have to support amr (with Deutsche 
Telekom)? I don't think so - I've never had any problem so far w/o support of 
amr. Therefore, at the time
being, it's nice to have from my point of view. But it's good to see, if it's 
working or if there are any problems with the use of amr and asterisk to get 
them addressed and
hopefully fixed.

Kind regards

On 17.08.20 at 20:45 Joshua C. Colp wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 3:40 PM Michael Maier <m1278...@mailbox.org> wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> Is there any official support for the amr codec in Asterisk? I couldn't
>> find any in asterisk 16.
>> There is a patch for Asterisk 13:
>> https://github.com/traud/asterisk-amr
> There is no official support for it.

Attachment: amr-asterisk-16.12.patch.gz
Description: application/gzip

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