On 2/19/21 1:03 PM, Jaco Kroon wrote:


The specific ODBC connection here is merely used for inserting "traces"
into the database, so exactly this:

synopsis=Add a trace onto an existing call.
writesql=INSERT INTO calltrace(uniqueid, message, level)

(Relies on patch mentioned in my point 1 for ARG1 to work correctly when
not supplied)

The table itself:

CREATE TABLE `calltrace` (
   `uniqueid` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
   `level` enum('user','admin','system') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user',
   `tracetime` datetime(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp(3),
   `message` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
   KEY `uniqueid` (`uniqueid`),
   KEY `tracetime` (`tracetime`)

So we'll do stuff like Set(ODBC_trace(user)=Received call from
${CALLERID(all)} to ${EXTEN}) in the dialplan for critical decision
points.  The other option is to log this to a file and to post-load it
into the database.  Really doesn't matter that much, and if it goes
lost, it's not the end of the world, but the above just makes it simpler
and more real time, allows us to use concurrent inserts.

For any given uniqueid it's seldom that there are more than 30 entries
generated, around 20 or so on average, we currently dealt with this by
reducing the amount of logging, so whilst not all of it is strictly
required, it's useful stuff to be able to enable support personnel to
not have to bug the system administrators, and even to users to not need
to log stuff to support to begin with.

The other func odbc queries are almost all select queries, and are very
well cached, in critical cases into astdb too.  Those never cause
issues, and even when the INSERTs are problematic continue to operate
correctly.  The above basically just starts slowing down because of the
implicit COMMIT, with the above as a transaction it works very well
overall, the transaction connection just gets held up for the duration
of the call, but it does lower the commit rate from 50-100 (and higher
in extreme cases) to 5-10 average.  We can start seeing the effects of
the forced disk IO around 75 odd COMMIT/s, and annoying slowdown beyond

One do need to be aware that READ queries are issued on handles
different than the WRITE queries, since the the _read function doesn't
take res_odbc_transaction into consideration (which arguably it should
but that has zero effect for my use case, in fact, as you point out it
may actually be bad for my use case).

Without diving deep into transactions, it sounds like your dialplan is
doing lots of small modifications during the call. Databases like
doing things in bulk, so perhaps collecting changes in channel
variables before submitting them with a hangup handler will be more
That's possible, or just group them into a transaction, it's not going
to reduce the overall number of queries much, but yes, since this is
MariaDB one could use the "bulk insert syntax" if we really wanted to
(but that's not standard SQL and may well fail if for some reason
someone some years from now decide we need to swap out MariaDB for
postgres), but that also complicates the overall process significantly.
Our dialplan processing is usually well under a second in total, with
average ring time on the Dial() around 12 seconds *usually* in ANSWER
cases, and significantly shorter in NO ANSWER case.  This means that at
a call setup rate of 10 calls/second we need a concurrency of 150 to
have a slight safety factor, but if the COMMIT only happens when the
channel gets destroyed (and average call duration of 73 seconds, or
overall 85 seconds from channel creation to channel destruction, that
goes up to 850 with little to no safety, 900-1000 with, and that's in
both cases cutting it finer than we like).

Don't think the discussion here is how to make the database
better/faster, but rather focus on how asterisk can make more convenient
mechanisms available in order to enable more effective and efficient use
of the database engine, and by implication the hardware.

You raise a valid point though:  what if the commit could take up
significant (>100ms) amount of time?  Should we then have an option
in/for res_odbc_transaction to fork a separate thread for COMMIT before
returning the ODBC handle to the pool?  That actually makes some sense,
so of the various 3.X options that involve res_odbc_transaction if there
is then some way to "parallel commit", which would be fine for my use
case, but may be terrible for others, eg, a sequence like:

INSERT INTO foo(a,b,c,d) VALUES(1,2,3,4);
COMMIT; -- implicitly releases handle back to pool.


If the COMMIT is parallel this opens a race towards the SELECT (which
may end up using a different handle, and with default and sane isolation
levels would result in a race condition even if both "transactions" are
handled from the same dialplan "thread").  See above about func_odbc
using different handles for transactional queries and read queries anyway.

There's no way to really do bulk inserts without resorting to tricks like "insert (a, b, c) values ($ARG1), ($ARG2), ($ARG3), ..." which in practice is not very useful. I don't think func_odbc is a good fit for what you are trying to do. As you've experienced, there is a limit to how many individual insert queries one can make before a database gives up (technically, the drives are the bottleneck here). Transactions allow bundling many inserts together but due to the length of most calls, keeping transactions open for the entire call duration is not a good idea because of issues I mentioned previously.

Most dialplan applications work synchronously. They have to, func_odbc is no exception to that. Adding asynchronous capabilities to func_odbc is interesting, but will add lots of complexity. Asynchronous reads simply won't work because the dialplan needs those values /now/, not later. Asynchronous writes, maybe. But who are you going to notify when writes fail? The originating channel may already be gone by then. And what if somewhere later on the dialplan tries to read the values that were written asynchronously? Now you need some kind of lock or barrier to make sure old values are not being read. Things go down hill really fast.

Instead of making Asterisk perform all the heavy-lifting. What about offloading to a dedicated logging process/server? You could issue an AMI UserEvent() whenever you want to log something and have something else pick up these events and write them to the database. AMI events are always asynchronous, the dialplan will never stall out. The logging process/server can take as long as it needs to write everything to the database without affecting call performance. Implementing bulk writes would be trivial (ie. write every 1000 events or every second, whichever comes first, as a single transaction).

Dennis Buteyn
Xorcom Ltd

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